Karthik Converts His Depression Into Strength Through Therapy

4 minutes

Karthik Converts His Depression Into Strength Through Therapy

Depression is, in part, grief for your own life not turning out how it should; grief for your own needs not being met. – Johann Hari.

28-years-old Karthik (name changed) was born and brought up in the state of Vijaywada. He completed his B.tech in Electronics Engineering. Apart from his academics, Karthik likes to play games like badminton. Being an introvert, Karthik always found it difficult to interact with many people. Hence, he prefers to stay alone most of his time.

“I went through a hard time with depression I never understood why I was misunderstood so much although my intentions were not bad ”

Tanvi's shift to the new city didn't work in her favour.

Karthik was in touch with his aunt who was his distant relative. Over a period of some months, he got closer to his aunt. Meanwhile, his aunt felt that Karthik could be a good match for his aunt’s sister’s daughter. So, she made both of them get into contact with each other. The first conversation went on for a long time which made him feel special. But the second conversation didn’t turn out as expected. It drew out certain past events that affected the relationship adversely.

“I was in a relationship with a girl earlier who was Hindu whereas I am a Christian. Although I cared utterly for her, we had to break off the marriage before it even happened.”

As the past relationship proceeded, Karthik made it clear to his ex-partner that he would stand against dowry. But things turned ugly when her parents placed the condition that he should visit the temple with the family. In that case, he felt uncomfortable because it went against his religious beliefs and also made it crystal clear that he wouldn’t force his partner to go to the church with him. But after all the convincing of getting together, Karthik had to leave her with a broken heart.

As the past relationship proceeded, Karthik made it clear to his ex-partner that he would stand against dowry.

“Meanwhile, my new partner, after listening to my history, ended up assuming that I was not against dowry. She also thought that I was still carrying on the relationship with my ex-partner.”

This led the girl to stop talking to him completely. Karthik could do nothing about it but experience the grief as she was not willing to clarify the misunderstanding. As a result, Karthik was drowning through his depression Unable to express his emotions to anyone, Karthik could neither eat nor sleep properly at all. He was also losing track of his concentration.

“I decided to get in touch with Nikita Aggarwal, a counselor from YourDOST. She was extremely patient and a good listener.”

Karthik believes that without proper implementation, he would have not reached where he is today.

Eventually, Karthik saw the techniques that Nikita suggested him working wonders on him. He strongly believes that without proper implementation, he would have never reached the position where he is today.

Karthik feels thankful to Nikita for providing that comfort and space to vent out. As Karthik rates his overall improvement through therapy with a 4.5 out of 5, we at YourDOST, hope that he never stops believing in himself.

Depression is real and Karthik stands truly as an inspiration for others to send them a message, “You’re not alone”!

Karthik’s Warrior Tips:
1. If someone is not willing to talk to someone close, it’s better to talk to someone who is professional. Professionals know how to solve your issues and give the right solutions.
2. Without proper implementation, nothing works out. It is very important to make your goals come into reality by implementation.

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

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