Here are certain signs that can help identify suicidal tendencies:
1. Talking about suicide:
2. Talking about death:
3. Saying good-byes:
Talking about the end and saying goodbyes to the people around as though they might never meet again is also a sign.
4. Self-destructive behavior:
One of the most observable hints is the self-destructive behavior. These could be previous attempts to suicide. It can range from cutting, burning oneself or any other form of self-harm.
5. Sudden calmness in behavior:
A sudden behavior change, one that leads to withdrawal and isolation can be a sign of suicide. Depression, losing interest in things they engaged previously and other chronic illness can add to negative thinking leading to life taking risks.
6. Putting things in order:
A person who is considering suicide might withdraw from the society and start putting things in order. They might visit their relatives, give their possessions, make a will or maybe wrap up a business.