I am Kishlay, an IIT’an and I understand how hard JEE preparation can be at times. I graduated from IIT Guwahati and now I work at one of the MNC and I wish I have known some things while I was preparing for IIT JEE.
so much to study.. |
I am from Bihar and went to Kota for my JEE preparation. Away from home, all on my own, I learnt a few things which I think played an important role for my preparation and finally for my selection.
So here are those decisive factors
Yes! the syllabus is vast but it is doable.
And yes, for getting good result you need to cover most of it! There is less chance that you will clear the exam if you are expert at only few topics. So, the key is to understand your strengths & weaknesses and spend time wisely.
Categorize the topics based on your strengths and weaknesses, spend relatively more time on your weaker topics.
How did I work on my weaknesses ? – I found certain subjects extremely boring, some chapters took longer than others to even get a basic understanding. I never left them though! I kept reading them again and again till I understood the concept. C’mmon guys it is hard but people are able to understand it, if you can’t understand it in one shot, read it again, ask experts for help and do it again. You will get it!
of scoring just cut off marks in Physics and scoring higher in rest of the subjects. With this approach, I could not clear JEE that year…
Don’t underestimate any individual subject and do a balanced preparation. Any subject can get you a rank based on the difficulty level of the paper. There is no margin mistakes like the one I made.
This is less important. I am writing this because I was afraid initially of of lakhs of candidate appearing for the exam (some were from better coaching institutes, better schools, better cities, better IQ levels, seniors, toppers….it was scary!). But then I realized that by worrying about others I am just losing focus and sleep. When I look back, that promise of not being bothered by others was the best decision I every took during the preparation.
The real competition for you is yourself!
You need to believe in yourself, be true to yourself (about your strength and weakness) & analyze your preparation. You are your best judge.
If your preparation is up to the mark & you are true to yourself, you should crack it!