Steering Through Life’s Storm – Pujan’s ‘Never Giving up’ Attitude

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Steering Through Life’s Storm - Pujan’s ‘Never Giving up’ Attitude

We all go through difficult times, usually at every stage of life. The major transition a person would face would probably be college time! As fascinating as it may sound, we sometimes can get overwhelmed. People at that age wish to do a lot of things at once but end up getting overwhelmed.

Something similar happened to twenty-two-year-old Pujan (name changed), a Business Management student at renowned O. P. Jindal Global University. Pujan is an ambitious young lad who likes to always be on top of things. Pujan tend to face significant turbulence in his routine if something goes wrong but will try his level best to rectify it. 

Soon, Pujan began to feel overwhelmed with the new college life, challenges faced by him in aspects of his co-curricular activities, and even with his then-girlfriend. As a result, Pujan often found himself drowned in the ocean of ‘fear of uncertainty.’ Well, some of us have also questioned our abilities by throwing ‘Log kya kahenge?’ at our faces, but there is always a bright day awaiting after a long, gloomy night.

“I would often ask myself what if something goes wrong? Why am I getting so distracted? I was tired of fighting alone. My girlfriend also started getting angry at me.”

Pujan was surrounded by negativity, and so he decided to take the first step for his betterment at life - counseling!

Pujan was already surrounded by questions he couldn’t answer, and unfortunately, his then-girlfriend did not support him well. Frustrated and tired, Pujan often heard phrases like ‘Be a man, stop whining!’ and ‘Face it and deal with it, but now he couldn’t handle it anymore.

“I genuinely wanted some help from a professional, but I was heavily biased and scared. Fortunately, with the help of my institution, I got to know about YourDOST and immediately got interested in their services.”

Pujan’s never giving up attitude helped him seek the counselor’s help faster, and he was ready to solve all his issues. Once he got connected with the YourDOST expert, he immediately started seeing his behavioural pattern and was eager to know the reason behind them. 

Pujan’s counselor patiently listened to him and asked him to focus on his breathing. Breathing may sound like a fundamental biological process, but trust us, it is the foundation of a calmer mind and relaxed body. Pujan trusted the process and grew into the stable, calm person that he is today.

I never knew I would be able to benefit this much from counseling, but I am thrilled today because of that!

“My counselor asked me to shift my perspective, and I instantly saw changes in my mood and my attitude. I never knew I would be able to benefit this much from counseling, but I am thrilled today because of that.

Additionally, Pujan’s counselor advised him to be more solution-focused while tackling his problems, especially his college and academic life issues. Pujan adapted this technique and added exercise and meditation as part of his daily routine. The counselor also advised Pujan to read various mind-modules to understand his cognitive functioning.

Like many of us, Pujan was not too serious about applying these techniques to his life, but once he saw the change, he began to look forward to it and now doesn’t miss a day without building himself into a stronger, assertive person.

Pujan’s Warrior Tips:
1. No issues are less critical or unheard. We must find a good soundboard disguised as a professional counselor or a coach.
2. Counseling might seem scary at first, but one must trust the process and believe in the goodness of ‘letting things out.

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