What to Expect from a Therapy Session

3 minutes

In the wake of the pandemic, discussions around mental health have surged, and individuals are slowly becoming more comfortable opening up about their struggles. 

Workplaces have also started incorporating emotional wellness into their Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

Why is therapy needed at work?

  • High-stress levels: Research shows that 55% of employees cannot function at work and feel a lack of motivation. Also, 79% of employees mentioned that they are facing burnout. Given the fast-paced work environment, access to emotional wellness resources becomes crucial. 
  • Reduced productivity: Poor mental health of employees triggered by personal or work issues adversely affects the business. It reduces productivity and increases absenteeism and attrition rates

There is a constant hesitation to avail mental health assistance at the workplace, which could be due to multiple reasons- stigma around discussing mental health issues, fear of being judged, discomfort in talking about issues in the workplace and more. This needs to be addressed, and the only way to do it is to assure confidentiality and focus on constant awareness sessions so that employees know about the available resources and can avail of them as and when required. 

So, what are the stages of a therapy session, and what should you expect from it?

  • Acknowledgement: A member of the team realises they are facing particular difficulties and would want to address them. 

What to do in such a situation?

  1. Actively listen to them when they open up, providing a safe and non-judgmental space. 
  2. Let them know support is available and assist them in availing those services. 
  3. Ensure them that seeking help is normal and it will have many benefits. Try to be supportive and understanding through this process because the journey of realisation differs for different people. 
  • Initial assessment: The aim is to communicate openly with the therapist, even about work issues. The therapist might ask work-related questions or ask employees to take specific assessments that will help them understand their situation better. This is where the employees will require support as they may need more time to open up. 
  • Series of sessions: Therapy is not a one-time thing;d the process goes on for some time. Remember that the employee should stay in the sessions in between, which they might tend to do due to loss of motivation or feeling overwhelmed

What can we do to support employees through this?

  1. Try to engage them in conversations about the importance of emotional wellness.
  2. Motivate them before a therapy session. Help them find a quiet place to collect or write their thoughts before talking to the therapist; this helps with proper articulation. 
  3. Motivate them to practise the exercises the therapist gives regularly and maintain a progress tracker or a daily journal of their emotions
  • Follow-up: It is essential to check how the employees feel after the sessions. It is natural to be uncomfortable with one therapist or counselling method; getting a suitable help mode is essential. This process might take time, but the goal is to keep at it and communicate one’s feelings regarding the session; otherwise, there is no benefit gained. 

Availing therapy sessions at your workplace is a great way to start your journey. It is also cost-effective. Research shows that therapy can reduce absenteeism rates by 50%, benefiting the individual and the organisation as a whole. 

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