How Organisations Can Improve Employee Onboarding Experiences

4 minutes

Employees are the backbone of any company; without them, the business would not function. Recognizing their vital role, the hiring process demands careful attention and diligence to hire the right people. But the process doesn’t end with hiring—this is where employee onboarding comes into play.

New employee onboarding is the crucial process of integrating new hires into the company, helping them feel welcome, supported, and comfortable in their new environment. It’s more than just a formal introduction to the workplace; it’s about setting the stage for a successful and long-term relationship. 

A study by Bamboo HR highlights the impact of a well-executed onboarding process on employee commitment. According to the findings, when employees feel that their onboarding experience was practical, they are 18 times more likely to develop a strong sense of responsibility for their company.

Effective onboarding involves guiding new employees through the company’s culture, values, and expectations while providing them with the tools, knowledge, and connections they need to thrive in their roles. By doing so, companies make new hires feel valued from day one and lay the foundation for their ongoing engagement and productivity.

Employee onboarding should start even before the new employee joins the office. The time leading up to the first day, commonly known as pre-boarding, is a crucial phase that sets the stage for a successful start.

The Importance of Proper Employee Onboarding 

  • Increased productivity: Proper and structured onboarding helps new hires become more productive faster, reducing the time it takes them to align with the company’s mission and vision. According to the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM), new hires are 50% more productive when organizations implement a standardized onboarding process.
  • Better retention: A positive onboarding experience cultivates a sense of belonging and engagement, which boosts the chances of new employees staying with the company for the long term. A research study found that 69% of employees are more likely to stay with a company for three years if they have a positive onboarding experience.
  • Improved job satisfaction: Once the employees have a clear outlook on what the company wants to achieve and how they can assist them in achieving it, they feel motivated to work. Proper support and understanding of their roles and responsibilities on behalf of the company increase their job satisfaction levels. 

Here are some tips to enhance an organization’s onboarding process:

  • Create a structured roadmap: Clearly outline the information the new hires need to know before their first day. This plan should be like a comprehensive guide for them to better understand the organization’s purpose. 
  • Build on onboarding tools: Leverage project management software, HR systems, or visual collaboration platforms to centralize and streamline the onboarding process. This ensures that all necessary information and resources are easily accessible to new hires, making their transition smoother and more efficient.
  • Incorporation into company culture: Try activities like team bonding exercises, meet and greet sessions, etc., so the new employees become familiar with their teams. 
  • Set the stage: Make the new employee feel comfortable on their first day. Assign a desk and set it up, create a company email address, and place a welcome gift on the desk to greet the new hire.
  • Inform the team in advance: When the team is informed in advance, they can prepare to greet the new hire warmly, helping them feel immediately accepted and valued. This fosters a smoother transition for the new employee, as they don’t have to navigate the awkwardness of introducing themselves to people who may not be expecting them.

The new employee onboarding process can feel overwhelming due to the many tasks involved. However, by focusing on it and trying improvement methods, the company can boost employee retention and help new hires succeed. 

Onboarding begins well before day one and continues long after, with each step being essential and not to be overlooked. A well-structured onboarding process is integral to employee success and retention. At YourDOST, we offer comprehensive solutions to streamline your onboarding process and ensure the seamless integration of new hires. Visit our webpage to discover how our tailored onboarding strategies can benefit your company and its employees. YourDOST – empowering your workforce for success.

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