Ram Learned to Channel His Overthinking Into Positivity

3 minutes

Ram Learns to Channel His Overthinking Into Positivity

Don’t get too deep, it leads to overthinking, and overthinking leads to problems that don’t even exist in the first place. – Anonymous

Ram (name changed) is currently pursuing B.Com Honours from one of the prestigious colleges in the country. Always been an average student, Ram’s life took a beautiful turn when he excelled through his 12th standard. Being an extrovert, Ram loves socializing. 

As much as hanging out with his friends plays a vital role in his mental peace, Ram also enjoys playing volleyball and finds his happy place within the playfulness of dogs. Ram belongs to a nuclear family and ever since the onset of the pandemic, he was confined in online classes.  

“I was expecting a very different turnout after 12th standard. But instead of going out and enjoying, the pandemic made all of us stay put within four walls.”

Ram had started to develop a lot of overthinking due to the lockdown.

Ram had started to develop a lot of overthinking due to the lockdown. When he would have been having fun and releasing the stress that came along with the months of preparing for exams, Ram found him drowning in a loop of overthinking. 

Often he would find himself seeking assurance from his sister or his friends that everything will fall back into place. Soon, he started experiencing anxiety as his college began. 

“My productivity levels dropped and my sleep schedule had lost track of time. Sometimes, I found myself overthinking about missing out on the normal activities.”

Ram’s college was associated with YourDOST, an emotional coach through which he got in touch with a counselor, Aayushi Dixit. As Ram was initially more comfortable through chats, he chose that medium to commence his sessions. Following the same, Ram was suggested with certain techniques including exercises and the 4-7-8 technique to deal with his situation.

Ram eventually began to find his peace as his anxiety levels fell down.

The 4-7-8 breathing technique is based on an ancient yogic technique called pranayama, which helps practitioners gain control over their breathing. When practiced regularly, it’s possible that this technique could help some people fall asleep in a shorter period of time.

“Aayushi made me realise that I was seeking more assurance than required. That was instead feeding my negative thoughts. Over time, she made me feel comfortable to share.”

We, at YourDOST, are very proud of his courage to heal and feel that Ram is truly an inspiration.

Ram eventually began to find his peace as his anxiety levels fell down. He was also channelizing his negative thoughts in a positive direction. Ram knew that in the long run, it would be beneficial. 

Finally, Ram extended his gratitude to Aayushi for a good counseling experience as he described it to be “stress-relieving” Dealing with his overthinking to reaching a better position was rated with a 4 out of 5 by Ram. 

We, at YourDOST, are very proud of his courage to heal and feel that Ram is truly an inspiration.

Ram’s Warrior Tips:
1. Counseling is a very good way to seek a solution for your problems. All you have to do is express your emotions.
2. If we want a long term solution to our problems, counseling is a good way to go.

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