Pressure Of Uncertainty Pushed Aman To Seek Therapy, Here’s How It Changed His Life

5 minutes

A Computer Science MTech student at one of the country’s leading engineering institutes, he found himself stuck in this problematic loop of issues which pushed him to seek therapy to improve his emotional well-being.

“Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, but you also have an obligation to be one.” 

Self-esteem and self-confidence issues are far too common both globally and in India. As per a 2017 study, 90% of Indians struggle with self-esteem issues. We often feel like we are not good enough and do not allow ourselves to make mistakes. It’s a feeling that 22-year-old Aman knows too well. A Computer Science MTech student at one of the country’s leading engineering institutes, he found himself stuck in this problematic loop of issues that pushed him to seek therapy to improve his emotional well-being. 

I was going through fairly simple problems with my self-esteem and confidence. I am a sensitive person in general but it was affecting the way I was dealing with my problems.

Aman felt like this extra sensitive side of his was affecting the way he was accepting criticism and failure. He would take everything to heart which stopped him from trying out new things in life and life felt like a constant struggle to Aman. This led to a spiral of rumination, lack of trust, and a fear of failure. Aman felt as if his life was going to be this way forever. Apprehensive of seeking help, he still tried various therapists but could not keep up the commitment of his weekly sessions. 

“I tried seeking help before, but I never got around to booking the second session. I felt a sense of fear and never got around to booking multiple sessions. This was because therapy required me to put in the effort as well, but I was never ready.” 

But after the pandemic hit, various incidents triggered his issues into overdrive. After his grandfather was diagnosed with a terminal illness. This was one of the turning points in Aman’s life and he felt helpless and lost. Along with this, he was also feeling demotivated to pursue anything as he was scared of failure and felt like he was stuck. At this point, he decided that it was time he took help instead of trying to solve his problems alone. This was when Aman connected with Psychologist and YourDOST Expert Shivani Yadav.

. At this point he decided that it was time he took help instead of trying to solve his problems alone.

“Shivani was very empathetic and listened to all the problems that I was facing. We spoke about my inability to hold relationships due to my overthinking and sensitive nature. But with the help of my counselor, I found positive ways to cope with these problems. I began journaling and made a routine to help with my time management skills.”

Through these conversations, Aman felt heard, and he understood the importance of looking towards the bright side of life. He realized that it’s okay to not be able to solve all his problems and it was okay to seek help. The first step towards getting better is to book your sessions.

Aman learned that it is okay to make mistakes and it is not the end of the world, but a chance to grow, and being so hard on himself was hampering his potential. 

I could see visible changes in me within a few sessions. My confidence got better and I was a lot more optimistic and open to more opportunities in my life. I was okay with making mistakes and used them as a learning experience.

Aman is grateful to his expert and has broadened his knowledge about the importance of mental health through his sessions into his everyday life.

Aman is grateful for his expertise and has broadened his knowledge about the importance of mental health through his sessions into his everyday life. He is kinder to himself every day, reads stories about people who have gone through similar experiences as him. Aman is definitely more aware of his emotional well-being and is in the process of being a better version of himself.

To my therapist, I would like to say thank you, for being a friend and an empathetic listener. This was what I needed to feel like my problems were valid. I am so glad that I took up these sessions instead of suffering alone like I was for all these years.”

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

Aman’s Warrior Tips:
1. Take your time, come out of your shell when you are comfortable.
2. Be there for yourself at all times.
3. Some issues need external help. It is okay to seek help while actively working on your issues.


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