In this very challenging job market, even the man’s best friend has not been able to escape the cruel clutches of layoffs.
Meet Gavel. Gavel is a German Shepherd who was recruited by the Queensland police in Australia, to become a police dog, when he was a little puppy. Unfortunately, Gavel, as the police put it “did not display the necessary aptitude for a life on the front line.”
Turns out, Gavel was too friendly. He absolutely loved meeting strangers. He prefered playing with them to helping arrest them. Awww.

“They fired me for making friends, this world is heartless” *sad woof*
That was the end of Gavel’s stint with law enforcement. But it wasn’t the end of his career. The Governor of Queensland, Paul de Jersey, saw merit in Gavel’s “shortcomings”, and decided to hire him for a new job.
We’d like to introduce *drum roll* –

“Gavel – the Vice-Regal Dog”
Yes, that’s his actual official title. As the Vice-Regal dog, Gavel’s duties include greeting visitors at the Queensland’s Government House, and attending official functions with Governor Paul de Jersey. He also occasionally accompanies the Governor during his briefings.
Gavel’s story is an adorably excellent example of the fact that getting fired doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. Your qualities define you, not your job loss.

*Happy Woof*
This article is a part of #Fired2FiredUp Campaign by YourDOST. Visit the page for real life stories, learnings and tips from career psychologists and recruiters.
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