A trend of living together but not getting married can observed in millennials. But the latest study by Carnegie Mellon University concludes that married individuals are healthier than single, divorced or widowed individuals. The study provides biological evidence to explain the impact of marriage on one’s health.
The researchers have published the reports in Psychoneuroendocrinology, stating that unmarried individuals are psychologically more stressed than married individuals. Stress is associated with the increased levels of cortisol which can decreasing the development. Also the body can get prone to various diseases.

The researcher collected the saliva samples from 572 healthy adults aged 21-55 over three non-consecutive days. These samples were tested for cortisol. It was found that married participants had lower cortisol levels than those who never married.
Sheldon Cohen, The Robert E. Doherty University Professor of Psychology says,
The researchers further compared each person’s cortisol rhythm. It was observed that cortisol level is the highest when an individual wakes up and declines during the day. Married individuals showed a faster decline.
Brian Chin, a Ph.D student in the Dietrich College, Department of Psychology, says,
If you are stressed because you are single or married, you can seek guidance to manage your stress better. #LetsTalkItOut at YourDOST!