Giving your time is the best way to make your loved ones feel special. You no more need to let the lack of money stop you from spending time with your loved ones. You can do a lot of other things instead of the regular dates.
Try these 10 things when you have NO money:
1. Write letters
Writing a letter is a beautiful way of communicating with anybody. Social media channels have made communication quicker but the effort involved in writing a letter is much appreciable.

2. Get creative with food
You would have several dates at expensive restaurants. Sharing your favourite dishes with your loved ones can get better when you cook them together. Have a secret recipe of yours!

3. Make gifts together
There are so many things you could build together. Make a collage or a photo album together. Restore your memories and create new ones as you build something together.

4. Volunteer
Money can’t buy happiness, isn’t it? You can spend your time at an orphanage or volunteer for any social service. You would be spreading happiness without money.

5. Sleep-in longer
Spend quality time with your loved one. Sleep a little longer. Stay lazy together. Cuddle up in each other’s comfort. This could be the much needed quality time you need.

6. Make the best use of Netflix
Netflix, your friend at all times could be used even more. Have a movie marathon. Watch all the movies you had on the bucket list. Enjoy series of movies with your loved one!

7. Experiment with your hairstyles
Going to a salon always makes a hole in your pocket. For a change, try styling each other’s hair. It can be a disaster or the best style ever. Try it anyway, just for fun!

8. Spa day at home
Running between work and other responsibilities can stress you both out. Create a spa at home so that you could relax. De-stress each other and relax!

9. Play board games
Wasn’t Ludo or Chess and other board games your favourite way to spend time with your friends in childhood? Let the child within you awake! Play those favourite board games with your loved one.

10. Go for a long walk
Walking holding hands has a comfort in itself. Go out with your partner. Walk and explore places you missed while going on bikes and cars. You will be surprised to know there are some really amazing places around you.