The key elements of any romantic relationship include love, communication, respect, positivity, and trust. It can get difficult at times to adjust to a new person. Every relationship will have to go through the test of time. There may be differences and imperfections but to understand them better you would have to understand each other.
Follow these tips to build a strong bond with your partner.
1. Learn to express yourself
The key to a great relationship is communication. Self-expression is a way of beating stress, detaching from the burnouts of the day to day activities. Learn to share about your day and life with your partner. When you share your opinions and feelings with each other, you develop a greater understanding of each other. You can discuss your expectations. When couples do not set clear expectations, it leads to misunderstandings. Expressing your expectations will help you create trust and feelings of closeness.
2. Work – Life Balance

Separating work life and personal life is not easy. What we need is a work-life balance. Do a self-examination and note the changes in your behaviour at work and home. Don’t bring work home so that you can spend enough time with your partner. Your efforts to maintain work-life balance will also make a difference.
3. Have one meal together in a day
Couples who eat together, stay together. There are many reasons for this – eating together means setting aside a particular time of the day with your significant other. It also leads to conversations which cover both banal (cricket, Bollywood, weather, etc ) and serious topics (values, life, death, memories, loss). It invariably becomes the happiest part of the day as you both begin to talk, share and laugh together.
4. Hug a little longer every day
A warm hug is the simplest recipe for happiness. Hold on to some more time when you hug. Physical intimacy is highly effective in lifting your mood up as the brain releases oxytocin, a feel-good hormone when you hug and hold your partner. Hugs help to regulate both your moods.
5. Focus on the positives
Every relationship has its ups and downs. But, you often overthink the negatives and underestimate the positives. Make it a point to focus on the positives that your share with your partner. It does not mean that you turn a blind eye to negatives. But it implies giving proper importance to positives. It brings a balanced approach when you are going through a tough phase.
6. Go on a date with your spouse
Date night is essential, no matter how long you have been together. All couples need quality alone time. Spend time away from responsibilities. It is an investment in the well-being of your relationship. Date night offers fun and a needed break from the demands of everyday life. It’s a time to set aside your to-do list and to listen, express affection and feel close to your partner.
7. Talk before going to bed
Go to bed at the same time. Take out at least 15 minutes to talk before you sleep. This personal time is very important for every couple, especially if you live with your family and have kids. It helps in increasing intimacy between you and your partner. Having some meaningful conversation or lively banter on a daily basis leads to a happy relationship.
8. Express love innovatively

Write love messages to your partner. Put the note on the fridge or on his/her laptop or in any place where they are sure to look. This will help to keep romance between you fresh and alive. Have some special somethings which only the two of you will do together. The efforts you put to show your love to each other is very important for the relationship.
No two relationship is the same. Even if you found these tips helpful, you may need personalised guidance to build your relationship stronger. Get personalised plans for FREE now.