3 minutes
On one hand we say, “Education is a gift that none can take away.” On the other hand there are thousands of students undergoing the wrath of the administration at these educational institutions. Same is the story of the final year student, J.T. Singh who graduated from AMET University a few months ago.

Late J.T. Singh Tucker
J.T. Singh had come all the way from his homeland Punjab to Tamil Nadu to pursue his dreams of becoming a marine engineer. He was placed in the world’s best shipping company “MAERSK” and was staying out of campus after graduation. Sources confirm that he had come back to campus to repeat his all cleared semester as a punishment. Sources confirm that A. Venugopal, the principal of the institution, humiliated J.T Singh which forced him to take his life. The incident happened on Friday 7th Aug, when he was found dead in his room.

The student was threatened that his placement with MAERSK would be cancelled, and the reason for this was his misbehavior with senior during the Passing our Parade (POP). Some of the batchmates informed that, not only was he grounded along with the other 9 batchmates but was also debarred for an entire semester due to the personal vengeance of Principal, A. Venugopal, also termed as the “Hitler of AMET”. J.T. Singh was informed by the principal that he had already contacted the company “MAERSK” regarding the placement and asked them to cancel it. The hard working and intelligent J.T. Singh upon listening to this decided that his life was of no purpose and ended his life and all his dreams.

Death note by J.T. Singh

It was also found that this type of administration has been done by the Principal for the past few years. “If this kind of power is misused what is the plight of the future generation, today it’s my son, tomorrow?”mourns J.T. Singh’s father. This has been a common phenomena in educational institutions today.

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Some of the images produced by students to raise their voice against the incident
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No one can deny the sad incident that happened. It’s our honest request to everyone reading this to think twice before taking such drastic steps. Think of others who are left behind. Think of your loved ones, how will they feel. Speak out things that are bothering you to friends, family or our experts. If you find someone undergoing tough times, please help us reach out to them. Together we can, and we will create a happier society!