Here is Neha, a 32-year-old team manager from Alyve Health, striving to live through life’s uncertainties with hope and dreams.
Neha comes from a family that shows her complete support and love. She explains that she has been a shy kid who takes time to open up since childhood. Even after Neha grew up, she had the same trait when it came to socialising. Neha feels more close to her mom in her family and shares everything.
“My mom is extremely supportive of my professional life and day-to-day struggles, and she knows every detail of my life except my romantic relationships.”
Her hobbies vary from swimming, dancing, and writing to listening to music and cooking. Neha explains that she has always had limited friends due to her introverted nature. Even when she tried to work on this, she couldn’t find fulfilling and long-lasting relationships outside her family circle as she tended to pay more attention to people’s flaws.
She adds that it was also because most of her relationships were one-sided, where she would care and be there for the other person, but they never reciprocated.
“I’m not someone with high expectations; I’m a giver, so I care for my people. However, there were instances when my closest friend did not even remember my birthday. It was the least one could do, so I gave up.”
Having experienced similar situations throughout her life, Neha started developing issues around how she creates a bond with someone. This became an issue for her even in her romantic relationship. She started having a few struggles with her partner and wasn’t sure if it was healthy to continue the relationship.
Neha came across YourDOST as an option on her company, Alyve Health’s live app for employees. Seeing the emails that mentioned the service from the platform was offered for free through the subscription, Neha decided to seek therapy to deal with her situation.
“I was having a bad day because of how horrible my relationship was going; I couldn’t hold on to all these or resist anymore by myself. I had to talk to someone. That’s when I made an appointment with an expert and started sharing.”
Neha elaborates that she didn’t want to discuss it with her parents as it would affect their mental health as well. She connected with Ms Kisha Das during her second session.

She shared that she felt Ms Kisha listened to her patiently, as Neha had a lot to share. She started liking how the therapist let her speak out about everything without interruption.
“From how the therapist gave a summary at the end of every session, I realised it wasn’t just me venting out, but she actively listened to everything I had to say.”
Going through a rough time with her partner and feeling indecisive made Neha feel heavily stressed and hopeless. Things started going beyond control, and it was only after therapy Neha felt like she woke up to reality and started dealing with it.
Neha explains that the therapist asked her the right questions, which gave her a new perspective. Eventually, realising her relationship’s unhealthy turn, Neha got out of the relationship. However, she refrained from sharing her reasons with anyone as she still felt emotionally attached and never wanted to discredit them as a person.
To help Neha deal with the break-up, at the end of each session, Ms Kisha gave her some tasks to follow, which was like a heads-up on what they would discuss in the next session.
The therapist asked Neha to create various lists, such as the criteria and expectations she wants from any social relationship, what she has to adopt for a better lifestyle, etc. Neha still uses some of them as her checklist whenever she struggles to form a bond.
As it took her eight months to move on from this relationship, Neha adds that her therapist travelled with her through the whole phase and helped with various other issues, like making friends. Neha elucidates that her therapist gave her a ray of hope every time she was struggling, which kept her going through the dark days.
Neha feels the best part of the sessions was having somebody listen to her. Every session recharged her emotionally and prepared her to face the world. She found clarity in where she felt stuck and how to clear her thoughts.
“For someone who finds it hard to open up, YourDOST has been a space where I could be myself and understand my inner self better. I learned where I should compromise, where I shouldn’t clearly.”
Neha appreciates and thanks her therapist, Ms Kisha Das, for being someone she could talk to. She feels her therapist deserves greater recognition in her field for her fantastic job.
As she continues to work on herself, Neha rates herself 3 out of 5 and keeps walking towards bringing more positive changes in her life.
Neha’s Warrior Tips:
1.“Even when you feel hopeless, give life a chance to move forward.”
2.“A therapist can turn your life around as they are unbiased and non-judgemental.”
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