Pulling Herself Out of The Deep Pits of Heartbreak with Therapy: Diya’s Story of Moving On

3 minutes

Quoting the famous words of Taylor Swift, “We are never ever getting back together”, we can understand that breakups can be incredibly tough, especially when there’s no closure. Post that, it’s a journey of self-discovery and healing, where finding the right support can make all the difference in moving forward.

Meet Diya (name changed), a 23-year-old MBA student at IIM Shillong from Uttar Pradesh.

Diya completed her schooling and colleges in various cities and is now in Shillong for her MBA. Diya comes from a family of six and currently lives away from home to pursue her studies.

“I have a close relationship with my parents, who are very supportive of me. My mother is my go-to person, and I share all my secrets and stories with her. I’m the closest to her in the family.”

Everyone’s personality and interests make them unique, and Diya has several hobbies that set her apart.

“I love reading books and listening to KPOP music. These hobbies have helped me immensely during tough times.”

Diya’s journey with mental health support began when she learned about YourDOST from her college, which partners with the organisation as their official mental health provider. Here she met her counsellor, Ms Antima Jain.

“Initially, I wasn’t sure how to open up and was scared and reluctant. However, gradually, Ms. Antima made me comfortable enough to share my concerns.”

Diya was dealing with a difficult breakup and it was a tough time in her life. The relationship suddenly ended without closure and she was in a state of confusion. She was struggling to understand the changes in her life and didn’t know how to move forward.

“I was overthinking and experiencing panic attacks and Ms. Antima Jain provided me with techniques to manage these issues. She taught me the 54321 grounding technique and helped me start journaling as well.”

Diya also practised hugging herself to comfort her. She had a tendency to hurt herself, so her counsellor advised her to use a rubber band around her wrist and to pull it to snap out of a panic attack.

These techniques helped Diya get control over her emotions and reduce the frequency of her panic attacks. She started with three sessions a week, but as she began to feel better, the number of her sessions decreased.

“I now understand that good things take time. Earlier, I used to take three sessions a week, but now the frequency has lowered, and I feel good. I feel confident on my own.”

Today, Diya expresses her heartfelt gratitude to Ms Antima Jain for her support and guidance.

“She helped me a lot. I wasn’t the best at following all her advice, and I apologize for that but she has been the catalyst for my healing journey with therapy. As an MBA student, my course is a rigorous one, and it was affecting my personal life. She helped me turn things around and reduce the impact.”

In terms of feeling better, Diya rates herself a strong 4 out of 5. She believes that improvement means not breaking down and having control over yourself.

We at YourDOST are confident that Diya is just moments away from hitting the golden 5 mark and we wish her luck in all her future endeavors!

Diya’s Warrior Tips:
1.“Life is a book, and days are just pages. You have to turn the pages to move forward.”
2.“Go with the flow and always remember that a diamond was created under huge pressure and thus its shine.”
3.“Listen to KPOP music to feel better, like me!”

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