Overcoming The Pain of Heartbreak: Ranga’s Story of Rebirth

4 minutes

Heartache feels like being lost at sea, each wave threatening to pull you under. It’s like wandering through a dense forest, every step uncertain, searching for a way back to the light. This emotional turmoil can make life feel like a puzzle with missing pieces, a mix of sorrow and confusion that leaves you yearning for clarity and peace. Yet, amid this turmoil, therapy can be the lighthouse guiding you back to shore, helping to piece together a life that once seemed broken.

For Ranga (name changed), a 29-year-old academic counsellor at UpGrad, his journey of love and loss mirrored these dramatic tales.

Ranga graduated from SRM University in Chennai and stayed in the city to build his career. Originally from Andhra Pradesh, his family consists of his mother and brother; his father passed away when he was just nine years old. His brother graduated five years ago, leaving Ranga to navigate adulthood largely on his own.

“With a passion for books, music, Netflix, and science fiction, I found solace in these hobbies amidst life’s challenges.”

After completing his studies, Ranga began working at UpGrad, where he discovered YourDOST, UpGrad’s official mental health partner, through his HR department. At a particularly challenging time in his life, he decided to give therapy a try.

During this period, Ranga met his counsellor, Ms Sanjana Anwar Ali.

“I was in a messy place when I met Ms. Sanjana, but she helped me gain a vision to see through my chaotic life. I felt heard and valued, and I felt comfortable enough to share with her, lifting the heavy burden from my shoulders. She understood my pain and concerns better than anyone.”

Ranga’s life had been largely dedicated to his studies, resulting in a limited social circle. The early loss of his father caused him to shut himself off from others, refraining from sharing his feelings. This coping mechanism seemed to work until a breakup from a five-year-long relationship shattered his emotional stability.

“I struggled to manage my life without my partner and felt extremely overwhelmed and broken inside. The trauma and pain seemed unbearable for me and I thought it was impossible to move forward.”

Realising the need for someone to listen without judgment, Ranga sought therapy. He needed someone to share his concerns and gain insights into his life.

“In Ms. Sanjana, I found a counsellor with whom I instantly connected. She gave me hope to rebuild myself from scratch and helped me move beyond the notion that love happens only once.”

Ms. Sanjana introduced Ranga to several therapeutic techniques, starting with journaling his emotions and feelings.

“Although initially this practice was challenging, it gradually eased my pain. However, the most significant progress came from our in-person sessions. I especially needed someone empathetic to interact with me, and Ms. Sanjana provided that support. She also taught me the 54321 grounding technique and backward counting for anxiety management which helped me a lot in my journey.”

Through these sessions, Ranga began to notice positive changes. He started to hope again and felt better about himself. His rigid mental perspectives began to shift, allowing him to see the good in people and overlook their negatives. Maintaining a positive mental outlook became his new focus, overshadowing any negative thoughts.

Ranga expresses immense gratitude for Ms. Sanjana, who he credits with changing his life in unimaginable ways.

“I met her at the lowest point in my life, and she became my ray of light at the end of the dark tunnel. She’s the best person I have ever met.”

Reflecting on his progress, Ranga rates his improvement as 4 out of 5. For him, improvement means understanding where he is and knowing where he can be. His journey is a testament to the transformative power of therapy, illustrating how seeking help can lead to profound personal growth and healing. For anyone struggling with similar issues, his journey serves as a reminder that even in the darkest times, there is always a way forward.

We at YourDOST are proud to be a part of Ranga’s journey and wish him continued growth and success in the future.

Ranga’s Warrior Tips:
1.“Always have hope that it will get better.”
2.“Put the effort into yourself, and you’ll see improvement very soon.”
3.“Reach out to professional help even if it means ranting.”

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