Stuti’s Story of How She Cut Down The Wines of Doubts To Move Ahead

7 minutes

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”- Victor E. Frankl.

Stuti is a vibrant 23-year-old product designer from the small town of Kolhapur, Maharashtra, who has always been a force of creativity and energy.

Whether she’s designing cutting-edge products at work, shopping for the latest trends with her friends, or whipping up a storm in the kitchen, Stuti has a whirlpool of passions and hobbies that make her who she is. However, beneath this colourful exterior lies a story of personal growth, emotional struggle, and self-discovery.

Growing up in a joint family, Stuti was the youngest of 15 members and was always surrounded by the constant buzz of relatives and cousins. Being in an environment where you are surrounded by loved ones can improve your well-being. But at the same-time you might miss out on a space to express your own thoughts and feelings.

“I was the youngest of the lot, which was good and challenging at the same time. I was pampered by everyone, but having so many people around also made it hard to find my own space. Sometimes, it felt like I was lost somewhere in the crowd.”

Her school life was full of fun and laughter as well, but as she entered her teenage years, the environment at her home began to shift. The age gap between Stuti and her parents, who were now in their mid-60s, created an invisible rift that was hard to bridge. They couldn’t accept the ideas of a person from a newer generation due to societal conditioning, which wasn’t their fault as well.

The ideas and feeling expressed by Stuti, might not be exactly how her parents interpret the same. This lack of understanding created a space between them which can be called as a generation gap.

“There was a lot of miscommunication between my parents and me about things that just didn’t feel right. It was a weird but beautiful relationship as we loved each other, but the generation gap was always present there.”

These emotional ups and downs at home and the complexities of growing up in a large family started to weigh down heavily on Stuti’s mental health. Toning down expressions and keeping herself from letting out her emotions for the longest time, made it all reveal themselves at the oddest hours. She began having untimely emotional outbursts and reduced communication skills and felt herself transforming into a version of herself she didn’t recognise.

“I began having bad anger issues, low self-confidence, and my communication skills were not up to the mark. I realised I was turning into a person I didn’t want to be.”

That’s when Stuti decided to seek help. Her sister, who works at the William J. Clinton Foundation (CHAI), recommended YourDOST, which partnered with CHAI as its official mental health partner.

Stuti felt unsure initially about therapy, but deep down, she knew it was time to take charge of her life. Her early sessions with Ms Nikita, her therapist, brought a sense of clarity she hadn’t experienced before. Each conversation peeled away layers of doubt and fear, revealing the strength within her. With each session, she began to see her journey in a new, empowering light. The undeniable transformation marked the start of reclaiming control over her life.

“Nikita understood me within the first two sessions. She was a great listener, and that helped me connect with her on a deeper level.”

This connection between them allowed Stuti to open up and explore the roots of her struggles. Therapy became a safe space for Stuti to untangle her emotions and thoughts. Through techniques like journaling and the Iceberg Model, a metaphor that illustrates how much of human mental health is hidden beneath the surface, Stuti began to gain clarity.

“Journaling was a game-changer for me. It helped me articulate my feelings and understand what I truly wanted. The Iceberg Model made me realise that we all have hidden thoughts and feelings, and understanding that made me more empathetic towards others.”

Finding the tip of the iceberg of her mental health concerns, was like hitting the jackpot for both her counsellor and herself. They began working from the root cause of each emotional outburst and made their way up to the resulting outcome, slowly wiping out the possibility of another breakdown.

Gradually, Stuti’s relationship with her parents improved. While not entirely perfect, there was now a level of understanding that hadn’t existed before. As the weeks went by, Stuti noticed some positive changes in herself. Her relationship with her 

“We’re getting along better now, and I feel relieved. My self-confidence has also grown, and I’ve stopped victimising myself. Therapy gave me the strength to face my challenges head-on.”

Similar to an iron bar going through fire to return to its molten state and then shaped into whatever shape we want, going through pain and altercating yourself results in a newer and better version of yourself. Stuti is grateful for the journey she’s been on and acknowledges the role her therapist played in her transformation.

“Initially, I was rigid about changing my ways to inculcate the changes, but now I’m glad I made the change, so the credit goes to Ms Nikita. It was amazing to have her around for support and help. I found myself in the process, and I’m so grateful to her for that.”

Today, Stuti rates her emotional well-being at a solid 4 out of 5, recognising that there’s always room for growth. According to her, improvement means letting go of the fear of taking risks and working through her fears.

Through therapy, Stuti has found her strength and voice, ready to face whatever comes next with courage and grace. We at YourDOST could not be more proud of her!

Stuti’s Warrior Tips:
1.“Everyone has their own sufferings and pains, but choosing happiness is a choice you can make on your own.”
2.“Every day is an opportunity to learn, grow, and keep moving forward, so it would be best if you get up and get yourself going each day.”

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

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