Saurabh’s Story of Clearing The Fog of Pain with The Light of Therapy

6 minutes

Aurangabad is an old town in Maharashtra where life moves at a gentle pace. In the town lives a young-spirited man whose life journey magnifies the importance of resilience, self-discovery, and the power of seeking help.

Saurabh, a 34-year-old Chemistry Professor at Aakash Institute, is someone whose life was perfectly balanced. However, as we all know, everyone has a backstory, and Saurabh’s is one of transformation.

Saurabh describes himself as an introvert who cherishes deep connections over mere interactions. He doesn’t have a large social circle, but the friends he does have are more like family and a close-knit group of people who have stood by him through thick and thin.

“I’ve always found it difficult to make friends, but the ones I have are incredibly special to me. They understand me in ways no one else can.”

However, even with such a supportive circle, life threw Sourabh a challenge that shook him to his core. 

This instance opened Saurabh’s eyes and pushed him to seek therapy with YourDOST’s mental health platform, which had a partnership with the institution he worked with.

College days are the time when a person experiments the most with his feelings, emotions and even their personality. Sourabh found a partner during his college days who complemented his personality the most and together they weaved future dreams. However, as not every fairy tale has a happily ever after, their story came to an end which shook up Sourabh from the inside.

Saurabh experienced a heartwrenching breakup that left him in a state of emotional turmoil. The relationship had lasted for almost eight years, and its abrupt end was like a rug being pulled out from under him. He tried to sort it out in all ways possible, but his partner and her family where adamant with their decision.

“The words that she and her family members said during that time cut deep. They stayed with me, haunting my thoughts for a long time.”

The emotional distress took its toll on Saurabh’s mental health. He found himself unable to focus, his mind clouded with memories and regrets.

“I was a mess. I couldn’t concentrate on anything, and I started to see my ex-girlfriend’s face in every woman I encountered. It was an overwhelming and frightening experience.”

During this dark period, Saurabh turned to YourDOST for support. Initially, he was hesitant, but he mustered up the courage and decided to seek help.

“I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I knew I needed to talk to someone when I approached YourDOST. That’s when I met Ms Mamta Harish, the counsellor who helped and guided me out of the shadows.”

As any person, Saurabh too had his share of doubts about the therapy process and he shared these concerns with his counsellor as well. However, Mamta’s approach to therapy was gentle yet effective. She encouraged Sourabh to rediscover himself and focus on the qualities he loved most about who he was.

“She asked me to write down the things I liked about myself. At first, it felt strange, but over time, I started to see its value.”

The sessions started transforming from answering questions about what and why to figuring out the hows and whens of the solutions. Saurabh and Ms Mamta meticulously worked on a foolproof plan to help him climb out of his concerns with newfound confidence and hope towards his future.

She also introduced him to deep breathing exercises and simple techniques that slowly but surely helped him regain control over his thoughts and emotions.

“It’s amazing how something as basic as breathing can make such a huge difference. I experienced my concentration levels going up a notch.”

Gradually, the fog began to lift. With Mamta’s help, Sourabh started to understand that while expectations are natural, we cannot control how others behave. This realisation was a turning point for him.

“I used to expect things to go a certain way, but Mamta helped me see that life doesn’t always follow our plans, and that’s okay.”

The hallucinations that once plagued him also began to fade. Mamta’s words, combined with the exercises, helped him let go of the past that haunted him for the longest time.

“The emotions I went through at the time were intense, but she helped me through them, and slowly, I started to see things in a new light.”

Today, Saurabh is in a much better place. He’s regained the self-confidence he had lost somewhere along the way and feels more in control of his life. He feels as if the fog of lack of clarity has slowly lifted from his head, and the bright light of calmness set in. He is brimming with gratitude for his counsellor and her techniques for being the pillar of support when he needed it the most.

“I’m extremely grateful to Mamta. She helped me see things in a positive light and brought me back to a place where I can finally say I’m okay.”

Saurabh now rates his emotional state at a 4.5 out of 5, a remarkable improvement considering where he started. For him, improvement is about being better than the last time. Sourabh’s story is a powerful reminder that it’s okay to seek help and to lean on others when life becomes tough.

His journey from pain to peace celebrates resilience, and his willingness to share his story will undoubtedly inspire others to take that first step toward healing.

We at YourDOST are proud of his journey and wish him success!

Saurabh’s Warrior Tips:
1.“With time, everything becomes okay. It’s just a matter of patience.”
2.“We should always seek help early and not wait for the last moment. Be sure to get the help you need as soon as possible.”

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