Battling The Demons of The Mind with Therapy: Jaygovind’s Story of Healing

5 minutes

Dealing with a mental health condition is tough. However, dealing with the stigma surrounding mental well-being is tougher. The strength needed to face the world, along with battling your own mind, is something not everyone can fathom. Here is the story of a powerful young man who is in battle with the demons of the mind single-handedly with the moral support of therapy.

Jaygovind, a 26-year-old who works in the Sales Department at Aakash Education, is not just another face in the crowd. Born and brought up in a small town of Maharashtra, Jaygovind’s life has been a series of transitions that have led him closer to understanding himself and his strengths.

Growing up in a small town, Jaygovind’s childhood was filled with the simple joys of life. His first love was crafting vehicles from stones and cardboard. He wanted this passion to grow into a goal of becoming a mechanical engineer. However, as time passed, his interests evolved. From sketching and drawing to writing essays and poetry, each new phase reflected the creative spark within him.

“I remember how my hobbies kept changing. One moment, I was drawing, and the next, I was diving into books and poems. It was like a constant journey of finding new ways to express myself.”

Despite his talents and love for learning, Jaygovind’s childhood had its share of struggles. He was troubled with financial difficulties and family responsibilities that made him withdraw from his peers and keep his distance.

He was a bright student in school and a topper until the 7th standard, but due to financial constraints, shifting from an urban to a rural school brought new challenges for him. The academic pressure and his family’s situation caused his performance to decline.

It was later on in his workplace that he first heard about YourDOST providing mental health support to his organisation. Through this service, he connected with Ms Karuna Ahalya, a counsellor who became a guiding light in his darkest times.

Initially, like any person, Jaygovind too was sceptical about the concept of therapy and did not know what to expect in his sessions. But with time, he built a strong relationship with his counsellor and discovered that these sessions were the breath of fresh air that he longed for in his life.

“Ms Karuna is a great listener. She doesn’t just give advice, but she shares her experiences and truly understands what I’m going through. Her empathy and practical guidance have made all the difference in my healing journey.”

Life is rarely a straight path, and Jaygovind’s journey took another turn when he began experiencing mental health challenges. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia, a serious mental health condition that affects how people think, feel and behave. He found himself battling not just the symptoms but the stigma that often comes with such conditions.

Under Ms. Karuna’s guidance, Jaygovind adopted a holistic approach to managing his condition. Meditation, relaxation techniques, and regular counselling sessions became part of his routine. These techniques complemented his medical treatment, and he appreciated the effect of medications as well. Jaygovind realised that true healing wasn’t just about taking medication but understanding himself and making positive life changes.

“For me, Schizophrenia feels like a cancer, eating away at your sense of self. But through these sessions, I’ve learned to identify the positive aspects of my life and focus on them. It’s about shifting from negativity to finding hope.”

Jaygovind’s self-motivation played a key role in his progress, but he gives the credit for much of his growth to the structured support he received from his counsellor. His counsellor helped him open new doors towards a hopeful future and supported him to take the first step towards it.

“I’ve spent years analysing my life, mostly focusing on the negatives. But now, I’m actively working towards embracing positivity. I’m learning to be action-oriented, taking steps toward a better future.”

Today, after being in sessions for some time, gratitude shines through Jaygovind’s eyes when he talks about his counsellor.

“I want to thank her immensely. She helped me identify the good in myself, which was something I had lost sight of. Life may have been tough, but it’s these positive lessons that keep me moving forward. She taught me that it’s not just about thinking, but about taking action.”

Today, Jaygovind rates his mental well-being a solid 4 out of 5, which is a significant improvement from where he started. His journey is a reminder that with the right support and a determined heart, even the toughest battles can be fought and won.

Jaygovind’s story reminds us that even in our darkest hours, there’s always a spark of light waiting to guide us forward. We at YourDOST could not be more proud and wish him success in the future!

Jaygovind’s Warrior Tips:
1.“Don’t hesitate to reach out when life gets overwhelming. A good listener can be a game-changer.”
2.“Life will throw challenges at you, but remember to actively seek out the good and nurture it.”
3.“Positive thinking is important, but real change comes from taking concrete steps.”

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