Vaishnavi’s Story of Battling the Invisible Monsters with Therapy

5 minutes

Sometimes, you may feel stuck in the Upside Down, just like in Stranger Things. Everything seems normal on the surface, but underneath, you’re battling invisible monsters that no one else can see. It’s confusing and overwhelming, especially when you can’t figure out why you feel lost and anxious despite having everything you need.

Meet our protagonist, Vaishnavi Shankaran, who formerly worked as a Senior Customer Specialist at Freshworks. She originally hails from Chennai but currently lives in Bangalore.

Growing up in a family of three with her mother and brother, she now lives with her husband, whom she has been married to for three years. Her brother is on the verge of graduation, and her mother remains in Chennai.

“I don’t have a lot of vivid memories from my childhood. It’s all blurry, and I never gave it much importance.”

Uniquely, Vaishnavi didn’t have any particular hobbies or passions growing up. However, she has recently started developing an interest in reading and cooking, finding joy and productivity in these activities.

Vaishnavi first heard about YourDOST from her workplace, the organisation’s official mental health partner.

Entering therapy was a leap of faith for her, as she initially had little trust in the process. She chose Meghna Nair as her counsellor, hoping to find someone to guide her through her struggles with understanding and empathy.

“Therapy was a very thin line for me. I didn’t have much trust, but I knew I needed help.”

Her first session was awkward as she grappled with whether to share her deepest concerns. Meghna’s gentle approach and the right questions eventually helped Vaishnavi open up and build trust.

A peculiar mix of emotions drove Vaishnavi’s journey to therapy. Despite having a good life on the surface, money, a loving partner, a supportive family, and good health, she felt persistently sad, lost, and anxious. The root cause of these feelings eluded her.

“My father passed away six years ago, which was a significant event in my life. But I didn’t seek therapy for that or any childhood traumas. I felt lost and sad all the time without any apparent reason.”

This constant sadness and anxiety puzzled Vaishnavi. She had everything she could ask for, yet felt overwhelmed by an inexplicable despair. This led her to seek therapy to find the ‘why’ behind her feelings.

“I didn’t know why I felt lonely or always anxious. I had everything I could need, yet I was constantly overwhelmed and sad.”

During her sessions with Meghna, Vaishnavi learned various techniques to manage her anxiety and insomnia. The box breathing technique, which involves deep breathing in a structured manner, was beneficial. She also practised self-awareness exercises, processing and acknowledging her emotions rather than pushing them away.

“Box breathing really helped me with my severe anxiety, especially when I struggled to sleep. Being aware of and processing my emotions instead of ignoring them made a big difference.”

Initially, Vaishnavi felt temporary relief after each session but would soon find herself back in the same cycle of anxiety and sadness. However, as she continued therapy, she gained clarity and began to understand and manage her emotions better.

“I used to feel good for an hour after therapy and then slip back into my old patterns. However, I developed a game plan for my emotions and how to handle them.”

Now, Vaishnavi is more mindful and aware of her feelings. She asks herself the right questions, remains calm, and processes her emotions healthily. This journey has taken time, but she is glad to have finally found a way to manage her mental health effectively.

Despite her initial doubts about therapy, Meghna’s guidance has been instrumental in Vaishnavi’s journey towards better mental health.

“Thank you is the biggest word I can say. I never thought therapy would help me find answers, but Meghna’s patience and understanding made all the difference.”

In terms of feeling better, Vaishnavi rates herself a 4 out of 5, viewing improvement as a continuous journey of becoming better.

We at YourDOST are proud of Vaishnavi’s progress and wish her all the best on her journey to better mental health.

Vaishnavi’s Warrior Tips:
1.“Hang in there. It gets tough, but it’s worth it.”
2.“If you have access to help, take it. Therapy can make a significant difference in the long term.”

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