Just like Tyrion Lannister from the famous TV series, ‘Game of Thrones’, who faced countless challenges due to his physical condition but never let it define his personality. Tyrion’s wit and determination helped him face a world that often underestimated him, proving that with the right mindset and support, we can overcome even the toughest obstacles in life.
Meet Priyankshu, a 20-year-old B.Tech second-year student in ECE Engineering at the prestigious IIIT Delhi.
Priyankshu’s family consists of his elder brother, who is five years older than him, his mother, and his father. His father is a professor at a university in Delhi, and his mother is a housewife.
“I share a very kind relationship with my family, and my parents are very supportive. I feel comfortable sharing all my thoughts and problems with my family members.”
During his childhood, Priyankshu was born with a certain neurological complexity, which worsened as he grew older. Since the age of seven or eight, he began facing difficulty in speaking and sought treatment with the support of his family.
“In the 7th grade, I encountered a challenge called Blepharospasm, a neurological disorder exacerbated by anxiety linked to Parkinsonism as per doctors. Occasionally mistaken for facial tics during the first stage when started, the underlying cause remains undiagnosed pending till genome testing. Even now in college, I find it challenging to interact with people and communicate effectively.“
Priyankshu has been consistently seeking treatment in New Delhi. He is under the supervision of the Therapy Department and Psychiatric Department, receiving help from various renowned neurological doctors.
“I love learning new things in life. I am an All India National Scholarship holder and I also enjoy playing the sitar.”
Priyankshu learned about YourDOST from his institution, which has a partnership with the organisation as their official mental health partner. Here he met his counsellor, who turned out to be his guide and mentor for the days to come.

“My first impression of my counsellor was cordial and pleasant. She was a good clinical psychologist and the interactions were very good and beneficial.”
When Priyankshu joined college, it was necessary for him to stay in the hostel as his home was far from the institute, hence this transition brought on a lot of anxiety and loneliness. He struggled to make friends and interact with others, which made him feel isolated. He was new to the environment of the hostel and the anxiety pushed him to seek therapy.
“One technique that helped me a lot was the box breathing technique. The counsellor instructed me to breathe slowly for four seconds and then exhale. She also told me to write down all the emotions I felt when interacting with someone and she advised me to speak slowly and confidently so that I do not stammer.”
These techniques brought positive changes in Priyankshu’s life and he felt his anxiety calming down and found himself able to talk a little more with others. Along with therapy, Priyankshu also started treatment at AIIMS, where he learned various techniques to avoid stammering. He gradually became more comfortable interacting with people and he became confident enough to make a few friends in college.
“I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the counsellors and psychologists who have helped me along my journey directly or indirectly.”
In terms of feeling better, Priyankshu rates himself 3 out of 5, seeing improvement as a journey toward success.
We at YourDOST are positive that Priyankshu is just moments away from hitting the golden 5 mark, and we wish him luck in all his future endeavours!
Priyankshu’s Warrior Tips:
1.“The most important point I consider to be is sharing your concerns with people you trust the most.”
2.“Interact with people and share all the problems you face.”
3.“The world is open to all, and while a few people might reject you, the positive numbers are much greater than the negatives.”