Reaching for the Moon: How Therapy Guided My Journey to the Stars

6 minutes

Sometimes, life feels like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces. When you think everything is falling into place, something unexpected happens and scatters everything. Each piece of our journey, from childhood memories to relationship struggles, demands attention. This story is about finding strength in the broken pieces and the healing that comes from therapy and self-discovery.

Meet Triparna, affectionately called Moon. She is a young woman from West Bengal currently preparing for the GATE exam to pursue a Master’s degree. She studied Electrical and Electronics Engineering at SRM-IST, Chennai, and now lives a slow and quiet life at home.

Triparna’s childhood was filled with the warmth of a big family. Although she is an only child, her cousins have always been like siblings to her, providing a supportive and loving environment.

“I’ve got people around me who love, care for, and nurture me, including my family and my closest friends.”

In addition to excelling academically, Triparna has a variety of hobbies. She loves singing, painting, watching movies and series, and being an avid reader and writer. Not to forget, she loves cats and the music group BTS.

“I’m quite a romantic at heart and am a huge literature lover.”

Triparna first heard about YourDOST from a college classmate who works at Felurian Technology Pvt Ltd (Clickpost), which partners with the organisation as their official mental health partner.

Seeking someone who could understand her, Triparna chose Jennifer Sarah J as her counsellor.

“She’s just wonderful. She has such patience, understanding, and listening capacity that I find absolutely enthralling.”

Triparna turned to therapy primarily because of her previous struggles with romantic relationships. In January 2024, Triparna decided that it was the peak time to seek therapy, and for the past seven months, she has been working through her issues with Jennifer’s help.

“I was traumatised by my previous romantic relationships. I used to be depressed & have panic attacks & am still suffering from anxiety. I even developed PTSD because of my past. But I don’t blame those people anymore because, recently, though it’s late, I have realised that they were kids my age who didn’t know what they were doing. Hence, I forgive both them & myself, yet would like to keep my distance and wish them all the healing & health.”

Although these emotions were dormant for some time, they resurfaced in January 2024 due to the addition of a few healthy relationships in her life during 2023.

“It was like the monsters sleeping inside me were now lurking out. It was as if the healthy relationships were urging me to look inside & mend where the cracks are.”

Determined to address these feelings and not let them ruin her current healthy relationships with people, Triparna sought therapy to heal from her past.

“I thought it was the right time to approach therapy or counselling for addressing all those past issues such that I can heal those with the help of the experts.”

Jennifer encouraged Triparna to return to writing so that she could express her emotions well, clear her mind, and understand where she needed work the most.

“The moment you write down whatever is inside your head, half of the confusion gets cleared up. Half of your anxiety and half of your fears just go poof. And for the rest half, it’s a gradual, continuous & consistent process where you learn how to let go.”

Jennifer shared a metaphor with Triparna that resonated with her deeply.

“Suppose you are drowning in a sea and have forgotten about your swimming skills. The raft you find is broken, and holding on to it is bruising you even more. Then you suddenly remember how to swim, discard the broken raft behind, and save yourself.”

This metaphor helped Triparna understand the importance of relying on her own healing potential rather than trying to cling to other people’s help, who might not always be present and might be broken in their own respective ways, in order to re-establish a firm foot in the soil of her life. 

Through therapy, Triparna is learning how to relinquish control over things she cannot change and focus on her own healing energy. She believes she has all the healing energy she needs within herself, but circumstances make her forget it, and that’s when therapy helps her become friends again with her inner power. 

Triparna expresses immense gratitude for Jennifer’s support.

“Jennifer is great. She understands how it is to be a human. It feels like talking to your best friend with no judgment. Jennifer’s kindness and warmth have been a guiding light for me and have helped me understand myself better.”

Triparna rates herself as 3 out of 5 in terms of feeling better. 

To her, improvement means staying rooted in calmness even when confronting terrible situations in life so that you’re still standing upright when the storm passes.

We at YourDOST are confident that Triparna is on the path to a brighter future, and we wish her all the best in her endeavours!

Triparna’s Warrior Tips:
1.“Focus on the things you can control and let go of the rest.”
2.“Your thoughts don’t define you. Hence, try & stop living inside your head.”
3.“Remember your inner strength and rely on it during tough times because you are the master of your fate, the captain of your soul.”

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