“The best way out is always through.” – Robert Frost.
We all have gone through the struggle of dealing with mistreatment from someone we deeply care about sometime in our lives. When a friend, who means more to you than they realize, treats you badly, it can be heartbreaking. Instead of avoiding the pain, facing the emotions and working through them is the only way to heal. This story is about someone who did just that, finding strength and clarity through therapy and personal growth.
Meet Prakash, a 37-year-old alumnus from IIT Madras who was born and brought up in Patna
Prakash’s childhood was lined with discipline and structure because his maternal grandfather was in the Navy. This strict upbringing limited his interaction with the outside world until he reached the 10th grade.
“Even if there were certain restrictions, I grew up in a loving family, although my relationship with my parents isn’t as close now.”
In his free time, Prakash enjoys reading, running, and listening to songs and these hobbies help him unwind from daily stress.
It was through his alma mater’s partnership with YourDOST that he first heard about the mental health platform which has a partnership as the official mental health partner.
“I had many therapists before, but after two or three sessions, I just didn’t like talking to them. However, with Sharanya, in the first session itself, I felt like I could talk to her, and I was very comfortable.”
Prakash first sought therapy because he was overwhelmed with emotions and stress. A specific incident with a friend, who he felt treated him badly, pushed him to seek help.
“I was dealing with anger issues and felt utterly miserable with each passing day. I tried to interact with many people, but still felt alone and out of control. For her, I was just a friend, but for me, she was more than that.”

Sharanya suggested several activities and techniques to help Prakash manage his emotions. These included strategies like writing a journal, engaging in physical exercise, and confronting his feelings and emotions regularly.
When Prakash mentioned he had stopped running for ten days, Sharanya advised him to note down his thoughts and feelings whenever he felt like running but didn’t go. This helped Prakash understand and address his procrastination and over time, Prakash noticed positive changes in his life.
“One thing is, I definitely do not feel angry now and I have accepted the situation. I began to do something again in my life to achieve some of my long-lost dreams.”
Prakash has also started taking better care of himself. As he lives alone, he began preparing his own food and making an effort to go for runs. While not yet a regular habit, he is trying to stay consistent. He has become more emotionally resilient, understanding that people might hurt him and being prepared for it.
“I really have a lot of gratitude towards her. She was there for me when no one was around, so I’ll be forever indebted to Ms Sharanya and want to thank her a hundred times.”
In terms of feeling better, Prakash rates himself a 4 out of 5. He acknowledges the progress he has made and continues to work towards his goals.
We at YourDOST are confident that Prakash is just moments away from hitting the golden 5 mark and we wish him luck in all his future endeavors!
Prakash’s Warrior Tips:
1.“Sometimes things take time to get better and that is okay. Good things take time.”
2.“Accept your situation first, as that is the stepping stone towards healing.”
3.“Engaging in physical activities will always be great for your journey.”