Nithya’s Story of Fighting the Demon of Anger with The Weapon of Therapy

3 minutes

Remember how in Friends, Chandler would often joke about his stress to hide how overwhelmed he felt? Just like him, many of us struggle to handle life’s pressures and need someone to talk to. Seeking support and learning to manage our emotions can make all the difference in our journey to self-improvement.

This is the story of Nithya, an 18-year-old B.Tech student in her third year, studying Electronics and Communication Engineering at G. Pulla Reddy Engineering College in Kurnool.

Nithya lives in the city of Kurnool with her family. She is the eldest daughter, with a younger sister, mother who is a retired vice principal, and father, a businessman. They share a strong and supportive relationship.

Nithya learned about YourDOST from her college, which partners with the organization as their official mental health partner.

“I needed someone who listens to me, understands me, and offers advice to help me become a better person and that’s why I turned to YourDOST.”

Her counsellor, Maria Shantharaj, made a great first impression as Nitya describes her voice as nice and soothing, and also calls her a great listener.

Nithya often feels overwhelmed by stress and struggles to manage it. Her friends are busy, and her parents are occupied with their own work.

“When I talk to my friends, the conversations mostly last for only 15 minutes. However, I needed someone who could give me advice and help me understand what’s going on with me.”

Nithya struggles with anxiety and anger, emotions that often lead her to make poor decisions.

“I get angry even when there’s no reason, and I lose my temper. It’s like my go-to emotion is anger, and I do not have any control over it. I may also blurt out hurtful things and regret them later.”

During her sessions with Maria, they didn’t focus much on emotions but rather on how to handle situations.

“If my parents don’t allow me to do something, Maria suggests I wait and understand their perspective. Earlier, I used to get very angry and shut my door to cry but now, if they say no, I wait and try again later.”

To manage Nitya’s anger, Maria suggested a simple technique like counting backwards from 10 to 1 when she feels like she might lose control. This small exercise helps Nithya calm down and avoid shouting.

“I have started experiencing many positive changes in myself. The burden of needing someone to talk to is gone. My stress, anxiety, and confusion have cleared up after talking to my counsellor.”

Nithya is deeply grateful to Maria for her support.

“Maria listens to me and understands me very well. Thanks a lot for listening to me. It feels silly how I used to just rant to you, but you understood and guided me and helped me change my perspective and become a better person.”

In terms of feeling better, Nithya rates herself a 5 out of 5. Improvement for her means becoming a better person and changing how you think. Nithya’s journey has shown her the importance of having someone to talk to and the power of understanding and managing her emotions.

We at YourDOST are confident that Nithya is on the path to achieving her goals and wish her the best for her future!

Nithya’s Warrior Tips:
1.“Get in touch with a professional and seek a third-person view of your concerns.”
2.“Learn and move forward with confidence and do not let anyone tell you otherwise.”

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