Rushikesh’s Story of Strength: Fighting Through The Storm with Therapy

5 minutes

Life often feels like a whirlwind, especially when faced with the relentless pressures of work, relationships, and personal expectations. Many of us find ourselves overwhelmed by the weight of these responsibilities, struggling to maintain a stable state of balance. 

In such moments, it’s crucial to remember that seeking help isn’t a sign of weakness but a step toward reclaiming control and finding inner peace. It’s about acknowledging that we don’t have to navigate our struggles alone and that support is available to guide us through our darkest times.

Meet Rushikesh Jaykar, a 25-year-old software engineer from Maharashtra, currently working at Birlasoft. Rushikesh completed his diploma in Mumbai and pursued engineering in Pune. His life has been blessed with a supportive family similar to a movie and is particularly close to his mother and grandfathers. 

“I had a great childhood, filled with lovely and fun memories and I am still friends with people from then.” 

Rushikesh’s hobbies include playing cricket, watching movies, and playing badminton, which have always been a source of joy and relaxation for him.

Rushikesh’s journey with YourDOST began through his employer, Birlasoft, which introduced him to their mental health support services as they have collaborated with the organisation as their official mental health partner. 

Despite initial discomfort due to societal stereotypes around mental health, his counsellor made significant efforts to make him feel comfortable and safe.

“The Pandemic made me feel extremely lonely, and that was the start of my mental downfall.” 

Realizing that ignoring his feelings would only make them creep up later, he decided to seek help during the global pandemic when the world seemed to come to a standstill. 

“Growing up, I was a studious kid with a happy family and a limited circle of people. However, somewhere along the line, I began facing issues in my relationships.”

Rushikesh recalls having issues in most of his relationships. He got into his first relationship at the age of 18, but never reflected on himself or worked towards changing his ways. This lack of self-reflection led to recurring patterns in his relationships, causing significant emotional turmoil. 

“I was hurting somebody else and developed extreme guilt as a result. My daily routine was affected, and I just wanted to fix this situation and seek help.”

Rushikesh’s counsellor engaged in open conversations to understand him deeply, providing suggestions to implement between sessions. These sessions helped Rushikesh realize his mistakes, learn to stay assertive and analyze his environment and patterns better, which significantly improved his life. 

“She was polite and would always hear me out with everything. Her suggestions helped me get a grip on myself and life.”

Counselling has a profound impact on mental health, as evidenced by Rushikesh’s experiences. According to research, therapy can modify brain structure and function, promoting healthier mental states. 

Rushikesh’s counsellor introduced him to various techniques to manage his emotions and thoughts. Breathing exercises helped him calm down and focus, while thought observation exercises enabled him to understand and analyze his thoughts better. These methods are commonly used in therapy to help individuals gain better control over their mental states​.

“One of the most beneficial exercises for me was the Critical thinking exercises. They helped me tackle my judgmental mindset and understand the reasoning behind my deep emotions. This newfound clarity enabled me to act on my emotions more constructively, reducing impulsive reactions and improving my mental well-being​.”

One of the significant changes Rushikesh experienced was in his relationships. Therapy helped him recognize and break the patterns that had caused disturbances in his past relationships. He learned to stay assertive and communicate more effectively, which strengthened his relationships and reduced feelings of guilt.

Rushikesh also noticed a significant improvement in his daily routine. By addressing his mental health issues, he regained control over his life and developed a more positive outlook. 

“I feel more in control of my life now. Counselling has helped me understand myself better and manage my emotions more effectively.”

Rushikesh rates himself a 4 out of 5 in terms of feeling better and acknowledging the positive impact of therapy on his mental well-being. This progress is a testament to the effectiveness of therapy and the importance of seeking help when needed. His story highlights the significance of mental health support and the positive impact therapy can have on one’s life. His journey with YourDOST and the guidance from his counsellor have equipped him with the tools to wade through his emotional journey, paving the way for a more balanced and fulfilling life. 

We at YourDOST are proud to be a part of Rushikesh’s journey and wish him continued growth and success in the future!

Rushikesh’s Warrior Tips:
1.“Always take the time to understand your thoughts, accept the problems, and act on how to fix them.”
2.“Instead of getting trapped in an overthinking loop, focus on finding solutions and taking action.”
3.“Go seek help as soon as you realize something is wrong, rather than waiting for it to worsen.”

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