Breaking Free with Therapy: Rajat’s Path to Overcoming Distractions and Finding Balance

5 minutes

“Like a tree battered by relentless storms, it’s often in the aftermath of adversity that true growth begins.”-Unknown.

Much like the resilient tree that finds strength and renewal after enduring fierce winds, many individuals discover their inner fortitude amidst personal struggles. The battle against overwhelming digital distractions is similar to surviving a storm, requiring not just endurance but also the right support to thrive again. This is a story of one such journey, a story of finding balance, reclaiming focus, and emerging stronger.

Meet Rajat (name changed), a second-year Computer Science student at the prestigious IIT Kharagpur. Hailing from Rajasthan, Rajat’s academic journey has been intense and focused since childhood. After dedicating two years to preparing for the JEE during his 11th and 12th grades, Rajat secured his place at IIT Kharagpur. 

“I had a very normal childhood and a content life. I was a part of a normal Indian joint family and shifted out of the ancient system two to three years ago.”

With a laser focus on studies from the 5th grade onwards, Rajat had little time for hobbies but enjoyed playing with friends occasionally. 

Life took another turn when he started experiencing mood swings and discomfort due to excessive phone use during his first year at college.

As Rajat’s phone usage spiralled out of control, he began looking for ways to get better and learned about his college’s partnership with the YourDOST counselling platform. He was concerned about potential scolding from his family, so Rajat opted for this confidential and free service provided by IIT Kharagpur.

“Initially I was sceptical about the idea of therapy, but after meeting Ms Sharanya NR, my doubts vanished into thin air. She was quick to put me at ease with her solution-oriented approach. Unlike others, Sharanya didn’t dwell on the causes but focused on finding practical solutions, which was exactly what I needed at the moment.”

Rajat’s addiction to mobile content began innocently enough. He started watching YouTube shorts and Netflix shows to unwind after long study sessions. However, what was meant to be a short break turned into hours of mindless scrolling. The endless stream of videos and social media updates soon became a habit, consuming more of his time and attention.

“As I spent more time on my phone, my academic performance took a hit. I found it harder to focus on my studies, and my grades began to slip. Instead of working on assignments, I often found myself watching videos late into the night, leaving me tired and unmotivated the next day.”

The effects of his phone addiction went beyond just his studies. Rajat began to feel down and out of sync with his goals. The stress of falling behind made him anxious, and he felt increasingly isolated from his peers who seemed to manage their time better. Rajat knew he needed to make a change but didn’t know where to start. Feeling lost and overwhelmed, he sought help and discovered a path to recovery and growth.

Ms Sharanya introduced several effective strategies to combat his phone addiction. She advised Rajat to keep his mobile away from the study table and use techniques like Pomodoro to structure his study sessions. When using his phone, Rajat was encouraged to set specific activities and stick to them, avoiding mindless scrolling.

“By the end of my third semester, I began to see significant improvements. My counselling sessions from December to February had a profound impact on my studies and overall well-being as by the fourth semester, I was back on track, achieving 100% efficiency in my studies within two months.”

Not only did his academic performance improve, but his social life also flourished. Rajat started socializing more, joining various societies, and participating in competitions. These activities boosted his confidence and made him feel positive about his future.

“I credit these positive changes to Sharanya’s guidance and support. Her big-sister energy and empathetic approach helped me navigate through the tough times with compassion. I feel a personal connection with her and am immensely grateful for her role in this journey.”

Rajat rates his improvement a solid 4 out of 5 and views this improvement as overall development in both mental and physical aspects of his life. His story is a testament to the transformative power of therapy and the importance of seeking help when needed. At YourDOST, we are proud to be a part of Rajat’s journey and wish him continued success in all his future endeavours.

Rajat’s Warrior Tips:
1.“We think counselling doesn’t work, but trust me it works.”
2.“You just have to bring the idea to terms in your head first to become hopeful. Why would you want to stay in a state of sadness when you can get better with therapy.”

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