One-sided relationships are where we bury ourselves emotionally in our partners. It gives us purpose and opportunity for most of us to grow and plant ourselves.
Handling relationships was a relatively new experience for our warrior Krushna. He is 24 years old and is pursuing his B. Tech in Electrical Engineering from the reputed IIT Madras, Tamil Nadu.
Krushna grew up and spent most of his childhood and youth in Maharashtra
Krushna has a mixture of activities he enjoys reading, playing badminton, cricket and also watching movies. Having been somebody who earnestly follows a routine and exercises, he prefers to be healthy and take good care of himself.
College was a good experience for him and he was finding his circle of friends and it was around this time that placements were announced in his campus.
“Everything sailed smoothly until I came across placement jitters. It worried me and I wanted to speak to somebody.”
This took a toll on his mental health.
Krushna sought therapy after his institution partnered with YourDOST. He believed he needed somebody to speak to who he could rely on.
He was looking out for trustworthy people and this was when he met with his counselor Aakriti Mathur.
“I was also going through problems expressing my feelings for a girl I liked.”
Krushna described how before seeking therapy with YourDOST, he would discuss with his handful of friends, whom he most trusted.
“Ms. Aakriti is a unique person and a very patient listener. She is also very compassionate and made me realise my emotions and from where they spurred.”
There were challenging days and he articulated that he suffered from anger issues which affected his overall relationship with people. He also had the opportunity to discuss these feelings with his counselor and she suggested techniques to help him break free from these patterns.
“My counselor helped me maintain a sleep cycle and she asked me to get into a healthy routine of exercising regularly, reading books before sleeping, and taking a short break during studying.”
He mentioned that counseling made him a more confident person now, and on the bright side, his situation has helped him identify a more calm, mature and confident version of himself.
Patience is a virtue that many tend to overlook. If utilised well it can take us to places and bear us with good fortune beyond what we can think of and Krushna was able to receive this in ounces.
Krushna feels that he is more upfront with his emotions now, and rated himself a 3.5 out of 5 in terms of his progress and we know he is already on his path to betterment.
Krushna’s Warrior Tips:
1.“It is vital to give importance and concentrate equally on mental health like how we would on our physical health.”
2.“There is always hope despite how hard things may seem. Hold on to that.”