Nurturing wellness during pregnancy

7 minutes

Hey there, Momma-to-be! As you travel into the magical journey of motherhood, it is significant to nurture not just your growing belly but also your emotional well-being. During this time many changes are happening within you and around you. Motherhood is a life-defining moment, that comes with its own sets of excitement and anticipation. After all, you have a miracle growing within you! It is okay to feel overwhelmed and nervous. Taking care of yourself during this time benefits you and lays the foundation for a healthy start for your little one!

Here’s an interesting observation: Being pregnant and pampered seems to go hand in hand, doesn’t it? Most moms-to-be are spoiled with love and care. Every friend you bump into has some tips to give you. They are curious about your cravings and want to take that extra step to fulfill your cravings.

Most people might venture in and say “Enjoy it while it lasts. Later on, you are in for a wonderful but equally busy life”. It might seem a bit challenging, but all you are supposed to do right now is enjoy the present, because this moment, is special for a lot of reasons. It is important to take care of your health both mentally and physically before you start thinking about the future.

Pregnancy, changes, and mental health

We understand that pregnancy is a whirlwind of emotions. During this time, it can be challenging to make time for yourself. There are things to be taken care of, shopping to complete, and medical appointments to go to. But hey, take a moment to relax! Did you know? According to a study, prioritising mental health during pregnancy helps you in reducing the risk of adverse birth outcomes.

Recently, YourDOST talked to 81 expectant mothers and found that about 25% of them experienced some mental health challenges during pregnancy. This shows how important it is to know about and support mental health during this time. So having a mental health crisis while expecting a child is not unheard of or uncommon in any way. You deserve all the support and love in the world!

When asked about energy and concentration levels, 90.48% said they feel drained and 71.43% of women stated that they have trouble concentrating. Sudden cognitive changes like these due to fluctuating hormones are a common part of being pregnant. But don’t worry, we have some effective mental health tips for you! Actionable, insightful, and easy to execute, you are sure to find these tips handy during this transformative time.

Embrace Wellness with these tips

Prioritise Sleep:

According to the YourDOST survey, 47.62% of expecting women said they frequently have challenges when it comes to sleep. Sleep is basically like a protein bar for our brain, it nourishes and gives it more energy. Sleep also plays a crucial role in prenatal care. But hormonal changes, physical discomfort, and emotional fluctuations make it harder to get comfortable rest. Poor sleep can directly impact mental health, leading to fatigue and restlessness.

Here’s how you can upgrade your sleep game:

Ensure your bedtime routine is consistent: When you constantly go to bed every day at the same time, your body receives the signal that it is time to wind down and say good night. You can trigger it efficiently by taking a warm, wholesome bath, curling up in bed with a good book, or practising relaxation techniques. Make your room dark, cool, and comfortable. It helps your body sleep faster.

Seek Support: If nothing is helping, do not hesitate to contact your healthcare provider. They can equip you with guidance on improving sleep quality or prescribe required medicines.

Staying Active:

Have you seen Bhaag Milkha Bhaag? Don’t worry, we won’t ask you to run like him. But the essence of the movie was all about discipline, hard work, and perseverance right? Let’s focus on Discipline. 

Physical activity like taking a 15-20 min walk, can improve your mood significantly. But the trick is to do it often, maybe 2-3 times a week. A study conducted by OASH states that staying active, especially during pregnancy helps reduce the risk of gestational diabetes, and preeclampsia and even decreases the chances of postpartum depression.

Other cool ways to stay active:

Swimming: Your body enjoys moving, and swimming is a great way to do it. It’s gentle on your joints and muscles, making it the best low-impact exercise. This water workout also happens to be excellent in supporting the weight of the baby while keeping the heart rate up.

Prenatal Yoga: Prenatal Yoga does it all! It helps you sleep, reduces stress, and promotes relaxation. Yoga also happens to be a physical activity that is recommended by most health professionals to improve flexibility.

Here are some of the best Prenatal Yoga poses you can try!

1. Wide knee child’s pose
2. Baddha Konasana
3. Sukhasana 4. Janu Sirasana
5. Balasana

Connect with People

66.67% of expecting mothers who spoke to YourDOST admitted feeling down and hopeless. Talking it all out, especially with other expecting moms will help overcome these feelings. It will also renew your perspective about having a kid! Building a support network of other mothers and friends can equip you with a sense of togetherness and understanding.

Attending support groups, having a catch-up with friends, and joining online communities play a positive role in your well-being during this period. During these meetings share your experiences, and ask questions about whatever is on your mind. Seeking support is always awesome!

Practice Positive Self-Talk

Always be kind to yourself. Acknowledge your strengths, accomplishments, and the efforts you are making as a mom. Positive affirmations can help boost self-esteem and promote a positive mindset. Try affirmations to tackle particular fears, concerns, or areas where you need encouragement during pregnancy. For example, if you fear labour pain, create an affirmation like “I am strong, focused, and capable of handling anything.”

Cause seeking help always rocks!

It’s okay to feel scared during this time, it just means that you care. Nurturing your well-being during your pregnancy is not a luxury but a necessity that helps and protects the baby and you. So let Self-care be your constant companion throughout your journey. If the feelings of inadequacy still overpower you, there are always professionals you can reach out to for help! 

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