Preetham’s Story of Learning Finances and Managing Stress Like a Pro With The Help of Counseling.

4 minutes

In the heart of the enchanting city of Mysore, where echoes of the past can be felt with every step, where history breathes through every cobblestone, lived a young soul named Preetham. He was raised in a city where the past and the present coexist harmoniously. For Preetham, Mysore was more than just a city, it was the very fabric of his being. 

Preetham, a software engineer in a prestigious multinational company, was more than just lines of code. He was a poet, a creator of beautiful thoughts. Among the chords of his heart, he found solace in the rhythm of singing and playing the guitar.

Preetham lived in a close-knit family which included his mother, father and his younger brother. He shares a strong bond with his brother but feels a gap with his parents that he couldn’t bridge.

Much like the character Walter White from ‘Breaking Bad’ did know how to make money. He kept bazillions of dollars, stacks and stacks of bucks hidden in his house. He had no idea what to do with his duffle bags of money until Skyler took charge. Preetham was in a similar situation when it came to managing finances. 

“I was deeply stressed about my finances. I wanted to understand more about finance and get it under control.” 

Finance management is a task and skill in itself. Some people learn from their parents while others figure it out themselves. From budgeting to saving, to investing, there is a lot to learn and a lot of room for error. But, with patience and sound guidance, anyone can learn to become a savvy financial manager.  

It’s a challenge to keep your finances in a healthy state. It requires discipline, emotional control, and the ability to differentiate between needs and wants. Building an understanding of the difference between investing in liabilities and assets is what could change the game. 

With money being in the picture, it becomes difficult to maintain a peaceful sleep. He was restless and found to be struggling with his sleep cycle. 

Preetham had little to no idea about his spending habits. Tracking your spending is important. Analysing your spending and expenses gives you an overall idea to cut down on those extra expenses.

“My organisation had tied up with YourDOST and thus decided to give it a shot. It turns out it was one of the most successful choices that I ever made.” 

Preetham connected with Ms Divya Kumari to reflect on a deeper level about the financial stress that he was going through. The first two initial sessions helped him understand his financial situation and his goals. 

“I was in debt but things took a turn for good when Divya became my guiding light to pull me out from the grapple of debt.” 

Things went down a notch and came under control for Preetham with his sheer dedication and willingness to get out of this ditch. Divya helped her with all her might. She suggested he stay calm and use his financial intelligence. Helping him understand the relationship between stress and financial management made all the difference.

“I had understood to stop spending on unnecessary things and prioritise saving on them.” 

Preetham had travelled a transformation trajectory. It was a game-changer for him to witness enormous changes within himself. 

“After each session, I felt positive. I’m thankful to Divya for enlightening me about finance and keeping a tab on my spending.” 

Preetham felt confident and rated himself a solid 4 out of 5 in terms of getting better post-therapy sessions. He believes he is still learning and will continue to learn about finances to keep himself updated about it.

Preetham’s Warrior Tips:
1.“You should always consider talking to people and taking advice from them. You might be walking the wrong path.”
2.“Keeping a tab of your expenses would stand out if you’re someone who loses track of it.”
3.“Seek professional help at the right time. A lot of things can go wrong if the finances are unorganised. Prioritise your mental and financial well-being.”
4.“Practicing meditation and yoga would help you to be calm and composed.”

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