Jyoti’s life has been shaped by her unique experiences as an army kid, travelling across the vast landscapes of India. Her journey has been marked by an internal struggle within, but through her courage, she has come out the other side.
“I enjoy reading, I enjoy writing, and I’ve studied history and heritage management.”
Jyoti shared, her voice reflecting her passion for diverse experiences. From a year-long International Exchange in Germany to serving as Chief Minister’s Good Governance Associate in Haryana, her journey was marked by a kaleidoscope of opportunities. However, her journey had its share of struggles, she managed to surpass them one day at a time.
Jyoti’s family, a source of positivity and laughter, played a crucial role in shaping her mindset. Yet, the transient nature of army life, moving from one place to another, left her with the purpose of creating a space of her own.
“We have so many homes and memories from each city,” she reminisced, highlighting the bittersweet side of constant change.
Jyoti, once an introverted creative soul, found solace in her small circle, especially her siblings.
“I would describe myself as someone very creative but struggle with expressing it externally,” she admitted, peeling back the layers of her past.”

Her first encounter with YourDOST during the pandemic was marked by intermittent sessions, each addressing specific issues. However, the turning point came in June 2023 when Jyoti sought help again, recognizing the need for consistent therapeutic support.
She was able to avail of sessions as her college, Ahmedabad University signed up with YourDOST as their official mental health partner. She booked her first session through the platform.
Ms. Rineeta Banerji, her current counselor, became the beacon of support. Jyoti, now a regular attendee, praised Rineeta’s ability to provide comprehensive insights and create a safe space for vulnerability.
“She exposed me to aspects of my life I never knew, introducing terms that resonated with my struggles,” Jyoti shared.
Reflecting on the therapeutic techniques, Jyoti highlighted the power of writing, whether it was letters to herself or exploring articles shared by Rineeta.

“It helped me understand my past, present, and future better,” she acknowledged, emphasizing the significance of structured reflection.
Jyoti’s therapeutic journey resulted in a cascade of positive changes. A strengthened positive mindset, the ability to identify and trust her instincts, acceptance, and improved confidence became her allies. The journey wasn’t just about unloading but understanding, processing, and humanizing her experiences.
Expressing her gratitude, Jyoti praised YourDOST’s platform, particularly Rineeta.
“She showed genuine curiosity and interest. I felt heard and special,”
She acknowledged, that the virtual sessions felt like a conversation with a friend. For those struggling, Jyoti urged, “Share; don’t struggle alone. Seek support, whether through therapy or talking to friends.”

She emphasized the importance of unloading mental burdens and breaking the stigma around self-criticism.
On rating her post-therapy progress, Jyoti modestly settled for a 4.5, attributing her success to the perfect synergy between her efforts, supportive relationships, and Rineeta’s guidance.
In the symphony of Jyoti’s life, therapy played a transformative melody, turning struggles into strengths and unveiling the resilient warrior within. As she steps forward with newfound insights, Jyoti embraces the next chapter of her life with gratitude, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to personal growth.
Jyoti’s Warrior Tips:
1.”Therapy is a life-changing and positive experience and everybody must take it at least once in their life.”
2.”Speak up and seek support through counseling if possible as therapy provides a structured way to process emotions.”