Building Resilience: Sachin’s Journey Through Heartbreak and Healing with YourDOST

4 minutes

Meet Sachin, a 26-year-old spirited individual who has traversed the diverse landscapes of India since the tender age of 13. Sachin pursued his MBA from the reputed XLRI University. Originating from Kerala, his journey led him through hostels in Bangalore, engineering in Vellore, and a two-year MBA at XLRI. Currently stationed in Gurgaon, Sachin embodies the essence of a wanderer, revelling in outdoor sports, dance, singing, adventure, and reading—a true jack of all trades.

“Post age 13, I have been living alone and pretty much learned to do everything by myself.”

Having spent more time navigating the world alone than in the company of family, Sachin’s outlook reflects the unique perspective crafted by a life detached yet rooted in love.

Sachin recalls that even after the distance separated him from his family, the love and the bond he shares remain the same with everyone in his family. 

Life’s tumultuous journey threw Sachin into the throes of heartbreak, an emotion he faced multiple times. The devastation of each episode felt unending, prompting him to seek solace in the form of YourDOST.

It was his college that introduced him to YourDOST. Sachin realised how his college had partnered with YourDOST to provide mental and emotional support to those in need. He chose to solve the coiled mysteries of heartbreak. 

Sachin realised the need to halt the recurring pattern before it escalated. Coupled with the emotional turmoil was a physical setback—an unexpected spine injury.

Sachin took his first step towards counseling after a painful breakup and needed to gain his confidence back. He connected with Ms Anagha Madhusudan to share his emotional pain and seek answers. 

Ms Anagha Madusudan, the compassionate guide who became Sachin’s anchor during turbulent times. Anagha’s approach resonated with Sachin; instead of imposing solutions, she subtly nudged him towards self-discovery. Her solution-oriented subtlety fostered hope, and Sachin embarked on therapy with a determination to find his way out.

“Ms Anagha’s empathetic and non-directive approach opened a door for me to navigate through the labyrinth of my emotions. In therapy, she didn’t hand me ready-made solutions; instead, it became a collaborative journey, guiding me toward self-realisation.”

Ms Anagha introduced therapeutic techniques tailored to Sachin’s needs. These included assessing emotions, creating a “feel-good jar” for positive notes, and sharing a meditation video for relaxation. Combatting anxiety involves a practical five-step method—looking at different colours, tasting something, and touching something to distract from overwhelming thoughts.

Sachin’s innate self-awareness, temporarily lost amid emotional turmoil, resurfaced. The spiral that once seemed endless gradually unravelled, bringing back clarity and understanding. Ms Anagha’s guidance led to profound self-realisation, instilling confidence and shedding light on the reasons behind the challenges Sachin faced.

“I started feeling hopeful, sensing a way out of the emotional entanglement that had a firm grip on me. She made me believe that I had the strength to pull myself out of the difficult phase I was in, and her insights provided the clarity I needed to understand the reasons behind everything.”

Overflowing with gratitude, Sachin acknowledges the transformative impact Anagha had on his life. Her intervention pulled him from the depths of darkness, and he felt fortunate to have crossed paths with her. Sachin recognises the debt of gratitude he owes to Anagha for making his life significantly better. 

Sachin’s story unfolds as a testament to the power of self-discovery and therapeutic guidance. His journey, marked by heartbreak, injury, and emotional turbulence, finds resolution through the compassionate support of Anagha and the tools acquired on his path to self-realisation.

Sachin rates his transformational journey a solid 4 out of 5 in terms of getting better and constantly working towards a better version of himself.

Sachin’s Warrior Tips:
1. “Everyone should speak to a therapist to assess their inner self. It’s like an emotional checkup.”
2.“Your emotions may feel heavy at the moment but are not always the reality. We create our problems because of how we let our emotions conquer us.”
3.”Therapy helps you manage yourself better with your everyday life, it helps you understand where you spend your energy the most.”

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