Monu (name changed), a 21-year-old student at IIM Kashipur, hails from Devaria district in Uttar Pradesh. His passion for learning led him to pursue a BA in History and Political Science at The Hindu College in Delhi.
Alongside his studies, Monu found solace in playing basketball, reading spiritual books, drawing, painting, and above all, listening to music, with his favourite song being “Kun Faya Kun.”
Monu’s father was a police officer and his mother was a homemaker. He lived in government quarters in Gorakhpur. He finished his schooling in this city. Life posed challenges for Monu at every turn but he was brave enough to face them.

However, Monu’s childhood was marked by struggles. At the age of 11, he began experiencing symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Monu found himself becoming obsessed with various things, including friendships and societal norms. The constant anxiety he felt during those years remained unexplained, leaving him restless and confused.
As Monu approached his formative years, social media added a new layer of difficulty to his struggles.
“I found it challenging to connect with others, and my anxiety levels skyrocketed when I was in higher secondary grades.”
Overwhelmed by his emotions and unaware of what he was going through, he desperately sought answers.
Monu also discovered that he was dealing with OCD-induced depression. Mood swings, lack of interest in activities that he used to enjoy previously, and the inability to experience happiness perplexed him.
In 2019, Monu decided to take action. He discussed with his brother about the need for treatment and was taken to a psychiatrist. It was during this clinical visit that he received his official diagnosis of OCD.
Unfortunately, the medications prescribed to him had significant side effects, and the initial psychiatrists he consulted couldn’t provide a satisfactory resolution to his issues. Just when he was losing hope a glimmer of light appeared in the path of recovery. He joined IIM to pursue further studies which proved to be a turning point in his life.

“Fortunately, when I joined IIM Kashipur for my MBA program, I discovered that the college had partnered with YourDOST, an online mental health platform. I enrolled in the program to seek therapy. Ms. Kashish Sharma was my therapist, a specialist in treating individuals with OCD.”
Kashish took a scientific approach to therapy, implementing techniques like Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) to help Monu regain control over his thoughts. EPR is a therapeutic technique used in the treatment of OCD. It aims to overcome anxiety and fear by exposing them to the situations or triggers that cause distress. Through Socratic questioning and thought exchange-like exercises, he gained a deeper understanding of the root cause.
“I started noticing significant changes within myself. The intrusive thoughts that once plagued me no longer held power over my mind.”
With Kashish’s guidance, he began to comprehend that it was his attitude and reaction towards his thoughts that needed adjustment.
“Kashish came into my life like an angel. She helped me while I was going through serious problems.”
Monu expressed deep gratitude towards her, and the YourDOST platform for providing exceptional services. He worked diligently on overcoming his irrational thoughts and learned to identify the fusion between thoughts and feelings.

Six months into therapy, Monu acknowledges the profound impact it has had on his life. He recognizes that mental health is as crucial as physical well-being, and the two are intricately connected.
Monu could feel getting better each day the therapy and the exercises were working for him. He started to embrace a more positive and joyful life. He realised at this point that it was not his thoughts but his mere attitude and reaction to the thoughts.
Monu rates his progress at 3.5 out of 5, acknowledging the work still ahead but remaining optimistic about the future. He believes that with determination and small steps, anyone can overcome obstacles and get better with therapy.
Monu’s Warrior Tips:
1. “You should always prioritise your mental health just like your physical health, both go parallelly to maintain the balance in life and one helps in fixing the other.”
2.“Try therapy once, it will surely help. Just take small steps and you’ll achieve your goals soon.”
3.“Don’t let anything stop you. If you have dreams just go for it fight for it but know that it will be difficult for you and you’re not alone.”