In the realm of dreams and aspirations, Meera (name changed) a vibrant 24-year-old who works as an intern. She is pursuing an M.Tech in Engineering. She hails from the enchanting land of lord Jagganath Odisha. Her love for outdoor adventures, particularly swimming, allowed her to channel her energy better. She finds solace in activities that let her express her emotions and feelings through the graceful art of dance and melodic singing voice.
Meera was a happy-go-lucky child, always looking for ways to make others laugh and have a good time. She holds tons of memories of her childhood. She is the youngest of all the other siblings. She has two elder sisters and a brother who were supportive of each other, forming a bond that withstood the test of time.
We, humans, attract like-minded people and vibe with their company to make our lives a little less complicated. We meet numerous people throughout our life span, but we connect with only a few apart from our family members.
Meera found herself entangled in the complexities of a romantic relationship. What began as a promising connection soon took an unforeseen turn as her boyfriend betrayed her trust.
“I was in a relationship, my then-boyfriend started dating my roommate. I felt as If I was robbed, it came unexpectedly.”

Meera courageously confronted her roommate about this Christopher Nolan complexity. She learned that they were in a relationship. It was all still like a movie for Meera to go through and understand what just happened.
“I still remember his words when I confronted him, ‘Stay away from me’. It haunted me for quite some time. It affected my concentration and reflected on my studies as well.”
Meera was impacted deeply after this incident. She was emotionally broke and kept pondering upon one question, “Why did he cheat and do this to me?”. She was stuck in a loop of thoughts which caused a ripple effect that disrupted her studies and concentration.

Meera was fortunate that her organisation partnered with YourDOST to help people who are struggling with their lives and need someone to talk to.
“I’m thankful to my organisation for providing such service with the help of YourDOST to all who are associated with it. Special thanks to my counselor Ms. Karthika Loya.”
In the first session of counseling, Meera connected with Ms Karthika to share all her problems. She helped in getting over all the feelings that she was going through. She insisted Meera enjoy and do things that she likes to do. To put her mind at rest, she picked up cooking, practised vocals to sing leisurely and attended dancing classes to achieve perfection.
Karthika suggested some techniques to follow to overcome what she was going through. She recommended making a gratitude jar or a box to pen down and put in the box. She instructed her to follow breathing exercises when she felt stressed out.
Meera followed these suggestions and brought them into her daily routine. She feels blessed to have met such a counselor. She is happy that she had someone who listened to her so patiently.

Meera felt great post-therapy sessions and was motivated to a greater extent. She noticed the changes within herself and embraced them with confidence. With each passing day, Meera felt herself evolving, her spirit blossoming like a vibrant flower in full bloom.
“I could sense that I had moved on from what had happened in the past. I’m focused more on what my future holds. I’m looking forward to shaping it accordingly.”
Meera is brave and surrounded by good people who look after her. She is happy with the transition that she has been through. With all the bumpy rides, she is finally on the right path. She mentions how she suggested others seek expert help and consult YourDOST whenever they
Meera rates herself an excellent 5 out of 5 in terms of getting better. She is glad that she took the bold step to consult the experts. She has never looked back since then.
Meera’s Warrior Tips:
1.“Try to share your feelings with someone about everything going around with you.”
2.“Prioritise your mental health above all. Don’t ever compromise with it. It is the most important one.”
3.“Believe in the journey, and be patient enough to wait for the good days. You’ll get through it eventually.”