Lucknow is the city of Nawabs, the capital of Uttar Pradesh. Utkarsh Mishra hails from the city of Nawabs. Born and brought up, finished schooling and college here. He is working as faculty in BYJU’S tuition and specialising in biology.
Sharing about his hobbies, he has a diverse interest in singing, listening to quality music and sketching. Additionally, he likes to spend time with his son. He enjoys travelling to new destinations and exploring.
During his childhood, he lived in a joint family with his grandparents. He felt a deep connection with his grandmother who he fondly called ‘Ajiya’. He has an elder brother who has settled abroad and working in a pharmaceutical company. The early loss of his father created a vacuum that couldn’t be filled.
With the rise in mobile gaming and focus shifting from outdoor gaming, Utkarsh has a fond memory of playing outdoor games with his cousins and friends.

An abrupt change can bring a wave of unsettling feelings inside a person. Utkarsh was in a similar situation. Losing his father early and his brother moving abroad for his job left him alone. In a crowded settlement, he felt lonely, he only needed a friend to talk.
“I was unable to talk and express as openly and casually with anyone as I used to with my elder brother.”
It becomes complex for humans when we compare ourselves with others and in that process, we lose confidence in what we are doing and lose focus. This adds up to overthinking resulting in a burst of negative emotions inside.
Utkarsh mentions how he lacked some of the personality traits that he could have had only if he had socialised. Socialising took a lot of work for him. Overthinking negatively continued which led to him dropping confidence to an extent. Unhealthy comparisons with peers and people around him impacted his thought process.
Utkarsh made up his mind to seek counseling after learning that his organisation had a partnership with YourDOST. He took the first step towards betterment and healing mindfully.
“I’m thankful to BYJU’s for giving me an opportunity to interact with a counselor and connect to YourDOST.”

Utkarsh narrated how he met this amazing person Mr Karthik through YourDOST. He used to attend all his sessions and was friendly to talk to. The vacuum he felt in his life where he didn’t have anyone to share his feelings with was no more. He had found a friend in Karthik.
Karthik suggested techniques like writing appreciation letters to his family, appreciating things around him, and connecting more with his family. He also briefed him about a rubber band exercise, where you stretch it, and when it will break it will cause and sensation which will resolve his overthinking.
He tried to follow all the exercises regularly and was 60% successful in his attempt.
“My words of gratitude are – Thank you for being there when I needed someone. Having someone like a friend or a brother to listen to me patiently helped me heal and get through the process. He was very kind to me.”

Utkarsh was making progress and felt the changes inside him. His overthinking has rapidly stopped and has become carefree about what other people think of him. He has been closer to nature than ever before.
He enjoys little moments in life and has become more calm and composed. Utkarsh has started to put efforts into family bonding and sharing quality time with them and even writes gratitude letters to each of them.
Utkarsh believes improvement carries on forever and rates himself 4 out of 5 in terms of getting better. He still is on the path to recovery and is happy to be in the shape that he is currently in.
Utkarsh’s Warrior Tips:
1.”Life is blissful, be happy with what you have, rather than chasing things you don’t have. You’ll miss the precious moments of life in that process. Cherish the present moment and make the best out of it. Be happy, stay happy and make others happy”
2.“Trust the process in your journey and be patient the results will be visible and it will be worth it.”
3.”Reach out to someone when you’re going through something, it’s important to let our emotions out.”