A true bibliophile and a fan of the well-known Japanese animation style called anime, our warrior of the story calls herself Hokage (name changed). She has chosen this name after one of the most popular anime series of all time, Naruto.
Hokage is originally from Bihar but has been living in Kolkata for most of her life and is currently pursuing her Bachelor’s in Computer Science at the University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata. She enjoys reading thriller novels, particularly the works of Sidney Sheldon.
There is no way to sugarcoat the fact that being a victim of bullying is a heartbreaking and agonizing experience. Children who are bullied may grow up with struggles relating to their self-esteem and might find it difficult to involve themselves in social interactions.

“I used to be bullied in high school by my classmates for being an introvert and I barely had any self-worth. I always kept to myself and felt very lonely.”
Being bullied makes people feel like they are supposed to be ashamed of themselves. The humiliation and seclusion that victims face are taunting, and there is no justification for it.
Hokage felt completely isolated and fell into an existential crisis. She felt as if no one cared about her feelings and it crushed her self-esteem.
Hokage used to journal her feelings every day and one day, her sister happened to stumble upon her diary. She wondered if Hokage may have depression and suggested that she might need counseling.
Her prior experiences with her peers made it difficult for her to trust others, especially with something as delicate and personal as her feelings.
”When I went to my counselor back in school, I was always afraid that they would tell my parents whatever I told her. Due to this fear, I was scared to begin counseling again.”

After she heard about YourDOST through her sister’s college, Hokage decided to take a leap of faith and began counseling. She says that it was one of the best steps she could have taken and has never looked back since. She began to understand the root causes of her problems which is one of the most important steps to healing.
“My counselor, Ms Sudha, completely changed my perspective. It is through her guidance that I learnt to redefine my self-worth.”
Though Hokage was skeptical at first about counseling, Ms. Sudha was always patient and made sure that Hokage knew that therapy was a safe space for her. She was a great listener and helped Hokage forge her path towards self-confidence.
It is with the help of her counselor that Hokage began to realize that being bullied in no way reflects one’s character and potential.

She began to see several positive changes in herself after she began counseling. From being a quiet, self-kept girl, she started to blossom into a confident, self-resilient young woman. She mentions that with the help of counseling, she has quit smoking, an addiction that many people struggle with. She started believing in herself and recognising her true potential.
“Back when I was in ninth grade, I never could have imagined becoming the person I am today. I am so proud to be at the place where I am now.”
She mentions that she feels a lot more confident now when she is around other people and she has worked on improving her relationships with them.
Hokage also emphasizes the role of physical exercise in improving her outlook on life. Daily exercise has proven to have positive effects on our mental health such as improving our mood and overall cognitive function.
“I have learnt to communicate better and have built my confidence with the help of counseling.”
Hokage expresses that she is in a much better state of mind now and rates herself a 4 out of 5 in terms of feeling better today. She’s living proof that things do get better if you hold onto hope!
Hokage’s Warrior Tips:
1.”Always strive to be honest with yourself and with your therapist. “
2.“Make time for physical exercise daily as it is the key to having a healthy state of mind. benefits.”
3.”Believe in yourself and the rest will fall into place.”
4.”Things always get better, one positive thought at a time.”