Lucknow is a multicultural city that thrived as a cultural and artistic hub, and the seat of power for Nawabs in the 18th and 19th centuries. It is certainly beyond the mouth-watering Lucknow Biryani, the food is exquisite and its people are humble to their roots.
Yashab is a free-spirited 21-year-old who is from Lucknow. He is a B.Tech student from ABES Engineering College. He dwelled in Lucknow and completed his schooling with flying colors.
He comes from a progressive family who have always helped him through his needs by having a cordial relationship. He explains that his elder brother is obedient, and he is the notorious one, and the bond he shares with his parents are beautiful, and he is close to my mom.
“I have had the fortune to experience a beautiful and memorable childhood and I am grateful for that, as I see it not the case with the many people I meet.”
Hobbies are an instrumental aspect of our growing up as they chisel us into people who entertain feedback and grow from there. In the case of Yashab, he was an avid football fan and an engaging writer who would spend time writing lyrics, scripts and poetry. He also devotes time to making music.

“I had a good school life and was super active playing cricket and football. Not all days are the same, it differs day by day and I am somebody who wishes to do things as they come.”
First love is always beautiful and a memory that all of us hold close to our hearts. While it makes some go weak on their knees, for others it weakens their heart.
“I was sitting in my hostel room one day and was tense, and a friend asked me what is troubling you. I spoke to him about it and when things went out of hand, he spoke to me about the sessions offered at YourDOST which are free of cost. This is how I started and I am extremely glad I took that step towards turning over a new leaf.”
Sharing always feels alien as not everybody is expressive when it comes to speaking about their issues. It is only with time that people find the space in communicating it.
While all of us go through multiple phases it can take a lot of our sunshine away when it gets draining.
“I decided to book my first therapy session with Ms. Rishitha Sagi. She is an empathetic person and the best listener ever.”
He spoke of a story that locked him in a void, a void that was full of darkness and despair.

Let’s say you’ve given all your life to a person for almost three years and no matter what you do everything is linked to this person. It feels like the world was spinning for the two of us at your own pace, and when it stopped all that mattered was the two of you.
Yashab narrates the incident that shook him and took away his sanity. He was going through an ugly break-up that tested him to a grave extent.
“I remember waking up every single day and seeing my relationship falling off and fading with time. It crushed me from within to see it disappear away.”
Handling break-ups can be a challenge and especially when families get involved it can leave you feeling embarrassed and dejected. Yashab describes that his family knew her and were having plans on getting engaged.
“The time I spent with her for almost 3.5 years was very unique and I have lost it now. My memories are not going to vanish away but I understand it is a process and I am willing to take the high road towards finding peace.”
Yashab took his own time towards comprehending therapy and he would often feel:
“If my friends couldn’t help, how can a random stranger help, but still give it a shot hoping for change.”

He took up the challenge and did all the tasks as suggested by his counselor. He was suggested with doing tiny tasks like journaling, playing games or shifting his attention from the problem.
Yashab mentions this particular session where he decided to open up a little and began expressing it to her.
“This phase was very dark, and I was becoming biased and got into substances that I am not very proud of. I explained all the problems to her and she said, Yashab you can conclude that the way a person treats you represents the qualities of that person or was brought up and not about you or question yourself over it.”
Yashab explains that this was an eye-opener and that he is glad that he heard it from her.
“Thank you so much for being the best listener, she gave me actionable ideas which could be implemented into our daily lives.”
The immediate option to help you manage your emotions better includes Listening to music or playing games is an easy activity to do and brings the ratio of happiness and sadness on a regular day.
Yashab is in a more focused space and is full of optimism and wishes to offer back to the community by being a mental health advocate and joining the revolution in bringing about holistic change. We wish him all the very best.
In terms of feeling better on a scale of 1 to 5 Yashab rated himself with a solid 4 on 5.
Yashab’s Warrior Tips:
1.“If a person is a reason you are being troubled people usually say to stop talking to them. Instead, try communicating with that person. If that is not possible, then self-analyse yourself if this is worth it.”
2.”If you feel anxious because of a person that is causing you to think too much then just turn around and think of your parents and of how much you are loved.”