8% people actually complete their new year resolutions!
We have all bid our Goodbye to 2016 and welcomed 2017 with open arms. Most of you would be having expectations from this year. “It already feels awesome!” You may say. You would have decided to bring in positive changes in yourself and called them “New Year Resolutions!”
People must have laughed at you for deciding a resolution just like the previous year only to fail again. Your records must have been unpleasant till now. But they don’t have to be the same always!
Try these New year resolutions to boost your morale as and when you succeed!
1. When you say, “Let’s meet!” Actually, do it!
Don’t you get excited just at the thought of a holiday? How many plans of Goa have you cancelled till now? Every time you speak to a friend you would say, “Let’s catch up sometime!” But how many times have you actually met? This year, when you ask somebody to meet, make sure you actually do!
2. Try walking for 15 minutes instead of complaining about the traffic in an Uber cab!
You may already know that road traffic is among the several crisis India is fighting. While we enjoy comfort we often don’t get enough of it in the cabs. A destination which can take just 10-15 minutes of a walk, takes longer in a cab. Yet, we travel by cabs! Try walking shorter distances so that you not only reach on time but also, pamper your body with some health benefits. It is a win-win deal, try it now!
3. Try a new travel destination!
Your Goa plans failed? All your friends are going to Gokarna? But you can’t go anywhere because all the known places are already overcrowded? Discover a new place which would strike out all the problems other popular destinations may have.
4. Boost your confidence in real instead of drinking it out!
Don’t you all know that one person who seems to have a personality disorder when s/he drinks? If you are among those people who power-drink at parties to make up for the lack of confidence, don’t! There are several ways to boost your confidence, try them as a resolution!

5. Make sure you don’t lie when you say “One more drink!”

Being honest to others may be difficult but try being honest with yourself, especially when you are drunk! Overdrinking will not only make you fall sick but those around you would also feel “sick”! The next time you are drunk order another drink only when you can have it without throwing up or going out of control.
Have you decided your New Year Resolution? Are you unsure if you can complete your resolution? Get personalised plans for FREE to fulfil your resolutions. Find the plans here!