We’ve all had those ‘’worst day ever’’ kind of days every now and then. You wake up late, burn your toast, you have a bad hair day and to top it all you just can’t seem to find those keys. And finally when you manage to get out of your house, you miss that bus or you get stuck in that horrible traffic that seems to extend for miles and miles. You reach your office super late. Your day can’t get any worse, or can it?
After all this you start working with a terrible mood. You find yourself taking a lot of time to get your head in the ‘work mode’, you find yourself constantly distracted and before you know it, it’s lunch time and you realise that you have barely finished anything. The realisation just builds up your frustration and you end up not doing anything substantial by the end of the day. Sounds all too familiar, eh?
So what do we decipher from this?
It’s no brainer, Good Mood = Job Well Done, Bad Mood = Reduced Productivity. When you start doing something with an awful mood you end up getting equally awful results. You just cannot expect quality or quantity in your work when your mood is negative. But when it comes to work, the show must go on.
Here are a few hacks, I personally use when my mood is bad and I have loads of work to finish:
1. Smile
Say CHEESE. Yes, showing off those pearly whites can improve your mood. Research has shown that if people smile, even if it’s forcefully and not supported by an emotional experience at first, their mood will improve. So grin away to glory.

2. Breathe
Take a few deep breaths. Breathe in – slowly, gently, deeply – breathe out. There don’t you feel relaxed already?

3. Music
Listen to some soulful melodies or skip to some peppy, upbeat tunes. Your mood is bound to shoot up sky high!

4. Get up and get moving:
Get up, walk around, and stretch those tensed, strained muscles. Move around, move a lot. And I know you don’t want to hear this, but there’s no denying that exercising helps out.

5. Quiet time:
Start off your day with a few minutes of quietness – no internet, no rushing off to social media- just relish a few moments of peace before you get caught up in the rush of the day. Count your blessings, feel grateful, pray, meditate. There’s nothing quite like it and it’ll help you to be on top of everything the rest of the day.

If you find yourself still stumbling along and barely in a mood to do anything, its time to take a break. Just take some time off to unwind and relax and then get back to it with a fresh mind.
And if you ever wake up with the ” I’m on top of the world mood” then make the best use of it to complete all those chores and tasks and you’ll find yourself doing things faster and more efficiently. Remember Good Mood = Job Well Done.
It’s normal to be in a bad mood someday and there are ways you can brighten up! Talk to our experts at YourDOST and get their advice.