Are We A Victim Of Our First Jobs?

4 minutes

There is always some tie that we have with our first job. While in most cases it is something good, there is a negative face to the same. We become victims of our first job.  The first job is like the accomplishment that each of us is working towards. It is like a symbol of confidence and independence for every individual. We gather up dreams and hopes for it throughout our days of education and stepping to work for the first time is one big leap. The feeling of stepping into your first workplace and getting your duties complete is unbeatable.

But then, the work and time invested in getting to this position swallows up some of the most important areas that need to be focused. Few of us are gifted to find the right place and environment and settings to work in less number of trials. But some of us have to go through one hard and long process to get closer to the first job. And all those times that we failed, deep down we just push ourselves to take up literally any chance that is offered. We want ourselves to have that one ultimate first job irrespective of whether it is what you actually want to do.

Also once we get through all this with struggle, we try to comfort ourselves in this place. For us going through the cycle again seems nearly impossible that we try to adjust to any changes irrespective of whether it is acceptable to you personally or not. Also some of us begin to bury the free spirit to learn and think in our workplace so as to get along with the herd.

First job is nothing like the ultimate trailer of what it could be to earn a living by working in the particular field. But it could be the reason behind why you are successful at some point provided you choose it with passion. And when it doesn`t turn out the way we dreamt of it, we somehow accept it rather than rebel. We tend to fall for wrong calls just because you don’t want the world to blame you of not getting your first job.

Remember as time flies by we get accustomed to the setting and would like to settle down with offers and ideas within the organization itself. And that is when we tend to neglect the fact that there is more to the far wide world. You might lose your dreams and goal through this process and that is painful. Having a first job is important. But if that can push you to live in a atmosphere that you actually don`t want, then it`s time to overpower the idea of falling victims for your first job.

Steeping into your first job is one tough decision. It could take a while to decide on whether or not you want to take it up. Yet hoping to change what cannot be just so you can stick to your society and its expectations is not a good decision. So look ahead to what you want from your job and take it up only when you are completely confident. Because the society cannot live your life. You should.

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About the author:

Varshnee Raj, an engineer by background, loves to invest her time in things which can improve her knowledge and share them through her writings. She has interest in craft work and painting. She also feels powerful to be able to help people during their low times through her words.

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